標題: 考量婚姻坡度的擇偶模擬
The simulation of mating choice with marriage gradient
作者: 詹 儒
Yuh-Jyh Hu
關鍵字: 擇偶模擬;婚姻坡度;晚婚;mating-simulation;marriage gradient;late-marriage
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 以往的擇偶模型中,主要是為了能夠更趨於真實的模擬人類的擇偶。利用個體特質與對這些特質的偏好做為一個選取伴侶的依據。並且在擇偶過程中,加入個體的認知,無論是被對象拒絕或接受,都會對自我的認知產生不同影響,所以藉由自我的認知來調整對自己的評估。經由挑選伴侶的過程,以及對自我評估的不斷調整,在擇偶的過程中順利完成擇偶這項任務,即成功選擇配偶進入結婚階段。 然而擇偶的一部份會影響和牽連到婚配,但卻非絕對的影響,反之,婚配雖受擇偶前階段之影響,但非一定關連。即指這二者有關連性但卻不一定有必然性。決定是否結婚不是單純的依照個別的喜好就可以去確定的。結婚與選擇約會對象、戀愛不相同,在決定是否結婚時,勢必會利用一些方式來評斷自己是否願意和這個對象結婚。 而探討人類的擇偶行為,還需要考量到社會層面上對擇偶行為的影響。人是社會性的動物,在擇偶過程中,會受到社會層面給予的一些限制與期待。而本研究就是希望在以往的擇偶模型中,加入社會層面對人類擇偶行為的影響考量,一方面改進擇偶模擬的模型,使更貼近真實;一方面也對近來社會中的晚婚現象的相關研究提出的可能原因與可能解決方案做一個驗證。
The main object of the simulation of mating choice in the past researches is to simulate human mating more plausible. When searching and choosing the mate, individual will use the individual’s characteristics and the preferences of these characteristics to make decision. And during the mating, whatever the individual is been rejected or accepted, he will afresh his mate-value. After some iteration, he might success to mate and comes into marriage stage. However, the process of mating may influence the marriage decision. But, it is not absolutely influenced. The marriage is a specially system in the human society. Deciding to marry or not is not only base on what the individual’s preference. When deciding to marry with someone, it would have some “way” to judge that if he (or she) wants to marry with whom. When talking about the “way” in human society in marriage, it should think about the aspect of society’s influence. For example, the social status can affect mating-process, like there are many people want to marry with the ones who have the same educational with themselves (educational homogamy). In this article, we take thinking of society influence of human mating based on sociology trying to improve the human mating model; and also we can use this model to express the late-marriage trend in recently society.


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