標題: 在 Moodle學習管理平台上的註解與學習歷程模組
The design and implementation of annotation and portfolio modules for Moodle LMS
作者: 王志華
Wang, Chih-Hua
Yuan, Shyan-Ming
關鍵字: 註解;學習歷程;學習管理平台;Moodle教學平台;Annotation;Portfolio;LMS;Moodle
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 在現在的教學環境中,線上學習已經扮演一個不可或缺的角色,教師們已習慣利用學 習管理系統作為他們的教學平台。而隨著 WEB2.0 的概念出現,網路成為一個貢獻與分享 的互動平台。使用者在網路上不再只是單純的閱讀內容,而是進一步的成為內容的提供者。 現存的眾多學習管理系統中,moodle 開放源碼平台是最為廣泛採用之一。在老師將 教材放到 moodle 的同時,我們希望同學能夠直接線上閱讀這些教材,而不再需要另外下 載回電腦中,並且將傳統上對紙本教材做筆記的動作,在線上教材也能實現,基於這些需 求,我們開發了第一個模組: 學習筆記模組系統。同學們除了以往只看到自己的筆記之外, 還可在線上看到其他同儕對相同教材的學習心得,達到合作與分享的學習,老師也可藉由 查看同學們的註記,了解同學的學習狀況,作為日後教學的基礎。 各種傳統的教學行為都可透過 moodle 的學習活動實現並得到良好的管理,這些學習 活動完整的紀錄了學生的學習狀況。因此我們開發了第二個模組: 學習歷程模組。此模組 完善的整合 moodle的學習活動,並結合學習筆記模組,將這些學習筆記教材封包成 SCORM 教材包,達成跨平台間的溝通交流。
Learning management system plays a critical role in current pedagogic environment. Along with the concept of WEB 2.0, web has become an interactive platform for contribution and collaboration. Moodle open source LMS is one of the most popular learning management systems currently published. It will be valuable for the learners to view the teaching materials online and perform annotating operations on them which are traditionally executed on paper-based materials. To meet these requirements, the first module: Learning Annotation for Moodle (LAM) is proposed. Students can see both their own annotations and different thoughts in other students’ mind. Instructors can promote the tuition by viewing students’ annotations. Conventional education actions can be conducted and administered through the usage of moodle activities. These activities record students’ learning performance completely. Another module is proposed hence: Annotation Portfolio for Moodle (APM). This module integrated well with moodle activities. It also couples LAM together and packs the annotations into SCORM package to be interoperated between distinct LMSs.

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