標題: 共軛焦顯微鏡產生之果蠅腦影像之顯像系統
A Visualization System for Confocal Microscopic Image of Drosophila's Brain
作者: 林進錕
Jin-Kuen Lin
Yu-Tai Ching
關鍵字: 容積顯像;視覺化;共軛焦顯微鏡;以貼圖為基底的容積顯像;果蠅;volume rendering;visualization;Confocal Microscopic;texture based volume rendering;Drosophila
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 為了了解果蠅腦的功能,三維立體影像的腦圖譜和腦內結構位置的建立,並且進一步了解神經網路如何的連結是非常重要的。針對共軛焦顯微鏡產生之果蠅腦資料,我們建立了一個以貼圖為基礎的立體資料描繪系統。為了比較不同果蠅腦的結構,我們的系統可同時描繪多組立體資料。打光和陰影效果及預先積分之立體資料描繪法更進一步的在我們系統中被支援以達到更精緻的描繪結果。經由神經追蹤產生之幾何資訊也可以在我們的系統中被完美的結合。
In order to understand the fly brain functions, the three-dimensional knowledge of the topography and localization of brain structures and how neuronal circuits to connection is very important. We build a texture-based volume visualization system for confocal microscopic image of Drosophila’s brain. In order to compare the brain structures between two individuals, our system provides multi-volume rendering. Furthermore the lighting, shadowing effect and pre-integrated volume rendering are supported in the system to make it more sophisticated. Geometric information derived by neuron tracing can be incorporate with our visualization system perfectly.


  1. 558201.pdf

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