標題: 治療方法專利保護之研究─以生物技術治療方法為主
Patent Protection for the Methods of Medical Treatment
作者: 陳國成
chen, kuo-cheng
Dr. Shang-Jyh Liu
Dr. Hung-En Liu
關鍵字: 治療方法;專利保護;生物技術;可專利性;調和;發明;Methods of Treatment;Patent Protection;Biotechnology;Patentability;Harmonization;Invention
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 摘 要


The legal systems concerning patentability of methods of treatment are different in the U.S., Europe and Japan. However, for the influence of the development of biotechnology there have been certain signs of harmonization between the patent laws of U.S. and Europe, Japan. This study, researched into the protection of patent among countries and focused on process of biotechnology treatment, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of grant of patent for methods of treatment, the feasibility and limitation to the protection for the patent of methods of treatment in the future to give some suggestions for the reference of relevant studies. The essay based on legal system analysis by way of comparison of law analyzes the materials of law review, treats, statures, and both domestic and foreign cases. On the other hand, for the practical purpose it also introduces the analysis of local biotechnology industry, social analysis of opinions of doctors in practice at issue and discusses the writing type of patent specification regarding methods of treatment in law practice.

Firstly, the research illustrates the questions with cases regarding patent description to underline the point of topic. Secondly the chapter compares the U.S. legal systems with E.U., Japan, China, and Taiwan about methods of treatment as a basis for further discussion. In the next chapter, the main points to discuss are application of invention for the biotechnology and progress of protection for patent in different countries. There are also researches to the questions of whether to offer patent protection for the methods of treatment by biotechnology process in this chapter. The forth chapter proceeds with explanation of central points to the essay including the feasibility of the protection for the patent of methods of treatment, definition of biotechnology treatment, the advantages and disadvantages of grant of patent for methods of treatment, the coverage and limitation of a patent that is offered probably to the methods of treatment in Taiwan. Fifth chapter analyzes the legislative policies in the U.S., Europe and Japan in the need of application of biotechnology in medical process to provide references for the reexamination of legal system in Taiwan. Summarizing the comparison and analysis of the said chapter, sixth chapter tries to submit several possible options and suggestions to the grant of patent of invention for methods of treatment and analyzes relevant legal systems to provide references to the topic for review in future.

The revision of patent law regarding patentability for the methods of treatment involving the patient benefit, professional respect of the doctor, and encouragement of biotechnology industry should take the patient interests as the top priority of consideration and maintain a balance for the conflict between medical law and patent law. According to the essence and category of medical treatments, the essay tries to keep a balance among different interests on the topic of patentability of methods of treatment and construct an elaborated legal system. Therefore, in seventh chapter the conclusion is reached by the suggestions for the scope and priority of patentability of different methods of treatment in the future in Taiwan and the expectation for the thesis that will be helpful for further research to review relevant issues.

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