標題: 一個適合802.11(p) 無線網路的多段轉送協定
Supporting Multi-Hop Forwarding over 802.11(p) Networks
作者: 劉光哲
Kuang-Che Liu
Shie-Yuan Wang
關鍵字: 車間通訊;802.11(p)/1609網路;多段轉送協定;繞徑;intervehicle communications;802.11(p)/1609 networks;multi-hop packet forwarding;routing
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 車間通訊在未來的車輛以及交通管理上將會扮演很重要的角色。因此,為了在車間通訊網路中達到車與車之間的小範圍通訊,制定了IEEE 802.11(p)/1609標準;它是從802.11-2007標準修改而來,而且定義了專屬車間通訊環境的運行模式。 然而,在IEEE 802.11(p)/1609標準中,並沒有制訂封包的多段轉送協定,因此,在本篇論文中,我們提出了一個以收端為中心的多段轉送協定;為了要衡量其效能,我們將其與以送端為中心的多段轉送協定來比較。 我們的模擬結果顯示,在802.11(p)1609的車間通訊網路的環境中,與以送端為中心的多段轉送協定比較之下,我們提出的以收端為中心的多段轉送協定可以大幅的增加端點到端點之間的傳輸效能,並且減少封包的延遲時間。
Inter-vehicle communication will play an important role in future aotomobiles and tra?c management in general. Therefore, the IEEE 802.11(p)/1609 standard is designed for vehicular communication networks in order to provide Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) for future vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. It amends the IEEE 802.11-2007 standard and defines a new operational mode for vehicular environments (referred to as the WAVE mode in the standard). However, in the 802.11(p)/1609 standards, multi-hop packet forwarding mechanism remains un-standardized. In this paper, we propose a receiver-centric multihop forwarding scheme for the 802.11(p)/1609 network. To evaluate the e?ciency of our proposed receiver-centric forwarding scheme, the performances of our proposed scheme are compared with those of a sender-centric forwarding scheme. Our simulation results show that, as compared with a sender-centric design, our proposed receiver-centric forwarding scheme can greatly increase end-to-end forwarding goodputs and reduce end-to-end packet delay time for an 802.11(p)/1609 vehicular network.


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