標題: 以JXTA實作的同儕網路會話發起協議平台
JXTA Implementation of a Peer-to-Peer SIP Platform
作者: 郭芳伯
Fang-Po Kuo
John Kar-Kin Zao
關鍵字: 同儕網路;會話發起協議;P2P;SIP;JXTA
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 隨著越來越多的同儕網路應用開始提供多媒體服務,將建立媒體連線的SIP (Session Initiation Protocol,會話發起協議)與同儕網路架構結合,也因此成為迫切的需要。我們將探索以多用途(general-purpose)同儕網路平台支援P2P SIP (Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol,同儕網路會話發起協議)的可能性與實現方法。 我們選用JXTA為底層的多用途同儕網路平台,在它之上設計了P2P中間層以支撐SIP服務。P2P中間層的設計包括,利用P2P架構提供的分散式目錄(distributed directory)來實現SIP的定位服務(location service),以及讓同儕節點(peer node)能夠提供SIP伺服器服務的功能,並且能透過同儕網路傳遞SIP訊息。 我們不但實現了核心的架構,經過實際的實驗測試後,也確實能夠達到我們的目標,透過多用途同儕網路架構提供SIP伺服器服務。我們也將實作成果申請加入JXTA社群計畫,並在GNU GPL的授權下分享我們的軟體。
There are more and more Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications providing multimedia services. Therefore, integrating Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) with P2P infrastructure has become an urgent need. We explore the possibility and realize approach of using a general-purpose P2P platform to support P2P SIP service. We choose JXTA as the general-purpose P2P platform in the lower layer. Above it, we design a P2P middleware to support SIP service. The functions of the P2P middleware include, using the Distributed Directory provided by P2P infrastructure to realize SIP location service, and making SIP server functionalities on the peers. We have developed JXTA SIP to implement P2P SIP service upon a general-purpose P2P infrastructure and it really works on a real environment. We also have applied to become a JXTA Community Project and release our software under GNU General Public License (GPL) allowing everyone to download our implementation for future development.


  1. 560801.pdf

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