標題: Web 2.0 線上多媒體旅遊導覽系統
Web 2.0-based on Travel guide system
作者: 李佳蓁
LI-Jia Jhen
Hsin-Chia Fu
關鍵字: Web 2.0;多媒體;Web 2.0
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本篇論文提出一個結合影片與地圖的線上多媒體旅遊導覽系統,將整部影片上傳,而不需自行先將影片進行分段等前置處理,利用使用者互動的方式增加影片中的景點資訊的廣度,就可讓使用者知道景點是在地圖上的哪個位置。而地圖是使用Google Map 所開放的API 功能,期望可以為不知道如何規劃行程的使用者提供更便利的行程規劃。由於每位使用者都可在線上直接修改景點資訊的系統,為了確保資訊的確實,也有相應的保護措施與留言制度,讓本系統的資訊可靠度提,而且可以讓使用者有效率的找尋所需的行程資訊。最後,由系統的測試結果中可發現,系統可容納每秒117 位使用人數在線上同時發出request,只要在系統的上線人數內,90%的人對系統的回應速度與連線速度感到非常順暢,一 秒鐘內就可以將網頁開啟完成,足以承載使用者的需求。
This paper presents an on-line multimedia travel guide system. This system combines film with map, which enables users to upload and edit the information of scenic spots in the film. It also allows the users to know the corresponding location of the scenic spot on the map. The map uses the API function which is opened by Google Map. This system helps users to plan the itinerary more easily. Furthermore, as each user can revise the information of the scenic spots on-line directly, in order to assure the accuracy of the information, a corresponding protective measure and message system is designed. It can enhance the reliability of the system, and allow the users to search for the necessary information of the journey efficiently. Finally, according to the experiment, the system allows 117 users to send request simultaneously on-line. Among these 117 users, 90% feels that the responding and connecting speed of the system is satisfactory. Within 1 second, the webpage can be opened completely which caters to the users’ demands.


  1. 563801.pdf

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