標題: 在異質雙核心平台上設計與分析動態分工的串流播放器
Dynamic Task Partition Design and Analysis of Streaming Player on Heterogeneous Dual-Core Platforms
作者: 廖珮晴
Liao, Pei-Ching
Tsai, Chun-Jen
關鍵字: 動態分工;串流播放器;異質雙核心;dynamic task partition;streaming player;Heterogeneous Dual-Core Platforms;OMAP;RTP
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本論文在異質雙核心的系統上,實作了一個與ISMA規格相容的動態分工串流播放器,並以MPEG-4解碼器來驗證我們動態分工的系統效能。這個串流播放器呼叫我們實作的高效能串流函式庫,此函式庫負責處理RTSP/RTP/RTCP協定的封包,自行開發的函式庫有針對嵌入式平台做最佳化,因此比起一般的免費函式庫有更好的效能。動態分工的部分也設計實驗來證明,使用本方法可在程式執行時,根據每個核心的負擔情況來做工作分配,比起傳統的靜態分工能提升更多系統效能。
This thesis presents the design of an ISMA-compliant highly efficient streaming player with dynamic task partition approach for MPEG-4 video decoding on a heterogeneous dual-core embedded system. The streaming library is designed to reduce the memory bandwidth requirement for processing RTSP/RTP/RTCP network protocols. For embedded systems, the proposed design enables reception of higher data rate streams without packet losses. In the proposed design, the streaming player running on the RISC core would call the streaming library for receiving the contents, and dynamically control the partition of the video decoding tasks between the RISC and the DSP cores. The decoding tasks are assigned at run-time according to the load of each processor. The proposed design is implemented on the TI OMAP 5912 OSK development board.
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