標題: 扮誰像誰?迷的行為特質、實踐與認同研究--以青少年cosplay為例
A Research on Fan’s Characteristic, Practice and Identity:Cases Study of Adolescent Cosplayers
作者: 張立嵐
Li-Lan Chang
Liang-Wen Kuo
關鍵字: cosplay角色扮演;迷;青少年文化;神話;布袋戲;cosplay;fandom;youth culture;mythology;puppet drama
公開日期: 2006
摘要: cosplay—角色扮演近幾年來成為青少年間熱門的一項表演活動,與日俱增的參加人數以及特殊的扮裝現象常成為鎂光燈注目的焦點。本文欲藉由青少年「迷」社群文化的特質分析,了解cosplay如何透過身體實踐及服裝展現達到身份認同、創作以及與社會期望的關連性。 在台灣cosplay族群中,有絕大多數可被洞悉的都是動漫畫、電玩以及台灣獨有的霹靂布袋戲迷;族群年齡分佈以青少年為大宗。心理學認為,青少年時期是身心狀態都產生最大變化的時期,處於自我認同與角色混淆的階段。他們需要作出改變以證明自己正在成長;同時又期望在同儕中尋得認同感及肯定。對於感到迫切認同危機的青少年而言,角色扮演呈現身份認同的象徵;也在升學壓力之外,提供了心理抒解且情緒支持的管道。此外,喜愛同人文化的青少年「迷」群們,他們參與cosplay相關的組織活動,踴躍發表具自我想法的文本創作,在網路上互相分享心事並交換心得,因為著迷的種種後續行為皆出於自主意識,並具有創造性的生產能力,相對於一般大眾而言,迷顯得主動積極且耀眼。 戲劇可以塑造神話。神話學大師Joseph Campbell認為,當一個人成為其他人生活中的偶像,他便進入被視為神話的領域。而神話教導我們認識自己的生活,也關係著個人對自己一生中所必須扮演各種角色的認同。cosplay角色扮演者透過服飾及外表的裝扮,將自己形塑為心中的理想典型,並藉此思考自身的存在性,戲迷更可以藉由閱讀神話而得到認同及啟發。在戲劇的觀賞與角色行為的學習中,進行與劇中主角相仿的神話之旅。 研究發現,青少年除了透過服裝、行為、創作展現迷的認同,亦藉由神話故事的閱讀或行為效法,尋找自我意義的建構。同時因為迷的特性,源於成就感的追求更加強自我規劃的能力;另一方面,迷加入組織之後,本著對組織文化的認同,每一位角色扮演者都意識到自己身為該組織的一員,必須謹言慎行,形同個人的再社會化。而可貴之處在於,布袋戲迷的cosplay行為迥異於大眾對於哈日族的盲從印象,無論在創作、學習、以及cosplay的層面上,布袋戲迷有著強烈的在地文化認同,而cosplay則成為其文化認同的實踐場域。
Cosplay becomes a popular activity of adolescents in recent years and often catches the media attention. The main purpose of this research is to analyze fan’s characteristics, practice and identity through interviewing adolescent cosplayers. Cosplay means those people who imitate, dress, make up or act like the characters shown on animation, comic books, games, movies, or puppet drama. Among them, the last one uniquely represents Taiwanese culture. From a psychological viewpoint, people are facing identity crisis at the age of adolescents. Before this age, they have never had this experience and thus hope to obtain identification and approval of friends. As to active and energetic fans, young people are willing to make efforts on creation and cosplay. Myths provide guidelines for living, give meanings to life, uncover the mysteries of life, and so on. Reading mythology, watching drama, or participating cosplay are also a method for fans to learn how the characters behave, think, manage and live. The adolescent cosplayers fulfill self-identification through dressing-up, creation, and participation. They obtain meanings and realize values of life through reading these mythologies or drama. Being a member of fan’s organization, each person has a strong belief and identification to be part of the group and firmly follows the rules established by the group. The most significant finding of this research is that puppet drama fans practice cosplay both locally and culturally.


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