標題: 使用布隆過濾器之多功能個人/團體通訊系統
Multi-Function Personal/Group Communication System with Bloom Filter
作者: 李忠育
Chung-Yu Li
Ming-Feng Chang
關鍵字: 布隆過濾器;通訊系統;Bloom Filter;Communication System
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 現今的通訊系統例如電信系統、即時通訊、電子郵件、和網路電話等,都利用特定識別元來辨識使用者。然而還可以透過使用者的各項屬性來便是指用者例如姓名、年紀等等。一個屬性的集合也可以視為更明確的辨識元並具有好記、有意義和具代表性的優點。我們提出一個系統同時支援特定辨識元和多屬性來通訊。透過發佈和搜尋的機制,一個使用者可以很快的和想要找的人通訊。 MFPGC架構在Chord之上並且使用布隆過濾器來儲存多屬性的資料,包含字串,數值和混合型態的屬性。另外讓發佈者和接收者可以設定必須要符合的屬性以用來過濾不想要接收的訊息,同時不會因為額外的條件增加搜尋的方便性。離線使用者處理機制處理當使用者在各個狀態中離線,而通話還是會被保留到下次使用者上線後繼續進行。和傳統的通訊系統比起來,MFPGC提供使用者間的通話情境更高的彈性。
Communication services today, such as telephony, instant message, email, and VoIP, use a specific user or device ID to specify the called party. Another way to indicate the callee(s) is to specify the callee’s attributes, such as the name, the age, etc. A set of user attributes, which is meaningful, rememberable, and representable, can be used to indicate the callee. Multi-Function Personal/Group Communication (MFPGC) system supports communications using both specific IDs and multiple under-specified attributes. Communications using multiple under-specified attributes is feasible through publishing and querying users’ attributes on DHT. The DHT of MFPGC system is based on Chord and Bloom filter is used to represent user attributes, which can be string, numerical, and hybrid data. Communications are set up by matching the Bloom filters of callers and callees. In addition, callees can specify necessary attributes that must be matched to filter unwanted calls. On the other hand, callers can also specify necessary attributes to limit the number of matched callees, and non-necessary attributes to increase likelihood of matching callee’s necessary attributes. To enhance the flexibility of communications, MFPGC system also stores and forwards messages for off-line users. Compared to traditional communication system, MFPGC system provides more flexible scenarios for users.


  1. 652401.pdf

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