標題: 汽車電視廣告中汽車、家庭與性別角色之變遷:1985-2004
The change of automobile, family and gender roles on automobile commercials in Taiwan: 1985-2004
作者: 林銘皇
Ming-Hwang Lin
Tzu-Leong Cheng
Liang-Wen Kuo
關鍵字: 汽車廣告;社會變遷;廣告模式;性別角色;家庭角色;automobile commercials;family roles;gender roles;he change of society
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本研究欲從社會變遷的角度,探討臺灣電視汽車廣告當中呈現的汽車、性別與家庭角色的轉變趨勢。研究方法採內容分析方法與文本分析方法並用方式,針對1985到2004年間電視汽車廣告進行分析。 本研究結果發現: 一、汽車角色:從無馬載具到奇幻馬車 汽車作為一項商品,在進入90年代以後,為了要達到廣告效果,標示出其分眾化之後的個體獨特性或商品特質,開始從社會文化中去找尋素材,將汽車賦予意義、重新定位,汽車已不再是單純的運輸載具,同時還承載著豐富消費者理性之外的感性滿足,因此不同廠牌的汽車以強調品牌的個性和詮釋不同的生活哲學,作為與消費者溝通的橋樑,賦予汽車多元的角色用途與想像空間。 二、性別角色:男性擔任論述主軸,女性仍為角色附庸 男性一直是汽車的主要訴求對象,在本研究的分析中亦呈現相同的態勢,以女性為主角的廣告影片佔整體不到一成的比例,顯然汽車廣告中女性仍缺乏論述的主軸。雖然汽車廠商已意識到女性在購買決策過程當中舉足輕重的影響力,因而一直在尋找吸引女性消費者的方法,但從研究數據來看,努力顯然不夠。 三、家庭-編織虛擬的認同幸福 當臺灣進入後工業消費社會,汽車廣告在90年代以各式綿密的象徵、符碼鋪陳感性訴求吸引消費者。家庭親情價值的追尋正是近年的主流,週休二日後,大眾休閒意識的提升,大量的休旅車廣告藉家庭溫情獲致銷售的切入點,但對照近年社會劇烈變遷,家庭解組的情況下,廣告運用家庭價值雖屬必然趨勢,然幸福是否伴隨消費而來,則屬另一議題。未來汽車廣告仍將以各式不同的認同包裝,作為觸動消費者靈魂,與消費者心靈相契的手段以達到銷售的目的。
Advertisement reflects the booming of the economy. The scholars also focus on the projection of social phenomenon and cultural construction that television advertisement shows. The research tends to discuss about the transition trends of automobile roles, sexual roles, and family condition on television advertisement through a view of social transformation. The research will discuss about the questions below: 1. How did the products on television automobile advertisements present about the automobile roles between 1985 and 2004? 2. What were sexual roles from the projections and meanings of the people on television automobile advertisements between 1985 and 2004? 3. How did the images and situation on television advertisements present about the family concepts between 1985 and 2004? First, the automobile is not only regarded as just a transportation vehicle, but a fantasy world nowadays. Since 1990, automobile advertisements have been showing more than one simple meaning of what vehicle is, and making effort to draw attention by enriching the emotional satisfaction and pleasure. Besides the rational facts, different brands also show different individualities of the automobiles, which become a new way of communication to the consumers. Apparently, male is always the main target. The analysis shows that only 7.1% of the advertisements focus on female, 32.2% of the advertisements focus on male. Since the pure automobile sale is no longer enough for the consumers, the advertisements have been starting to stress on the unique characteristic of different group, and present living a trend, completing the achievement by successful communication to touch the deep souls of people. More and more automobile advertisements are full of symbols and images, instead of the simple words or a rational promotion.
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