標題: 在異質性網路下以多重介面之測試平台實現媒介獨立換手機制
Implementation of Media Independent Handover Functions for Wi-Fi/Ethernet Heterogeneous Networks
作者: 蕭允琳
Yun-Lin Shiau
Rong-Hong Jan
關鍵字: 媒介獨立換手機制;異質性網路;Meida Independent Handover;Heterogeneous network
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 近年來隨著網路存取技術的發展,使用者對於可同時存取多種網路技術的需求也有明顯的提升。從使用者的觀點來看,使用者會期望行動裝置可同時具備多重介面並能在任何地點隨時連結上網來存取所需的服務。在IEEE 802.21 媒介獨立換手機制中,可提供整合不同的存取網路,來減少換手的延遲時間。有鑑於此,在本論文研究中,希望以目前最為普遍的無線區域網路和有線網路環境為基礎,實際將媒介獨立換手機制應用在同時具備兩個介面的行動節點上,並探討行動節點在異質性網路環境下進行換手的情形,以期望達到服務能夠連續並獲得較佳的服務品質。
The more development of the network access technologies, the more demands of accessing multiple network technologies for users will increase. It becomes more important that integrating heterogeneous network technologies for multi-mode network device. The Media Independent Handover Functions (MIH Functions), defined in a framework proposed bythe IEEE 802.21 working group, provide a convergence of diverse access networks to facilitate handover and achieve better performance. In this thesis, the MIH Functions on the test-bed are applied to analyze the impact of handover within Wi-Fi and Ethernet. The experiment results show that the mobile device with MIH Functions not only improves the handoff latency, but also reduces the packet loss significantly while roaming across heterogeneous networks.


  1. 654401.pdf

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