標題: 檢視台灣流行音樂市場結構與產品多樣性之關聯性:從歌曲內容及音樂產製面談起
An Examination on The Relationship between Market Competition And Music Diversity :A Study on Taiwan’s Popular Music Industry
作者: 曾湘雲
Hsiang-Yun, Tseng
Shu-Chu Li
關鍵字: 多樣性;diversity
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 本研究係以產業經濟理論之SCP模式為基礎,試圖探討台灣流行音樂市場結構與產品多樣性之關係性為何。研究方法上採用內容分析法,並以流行音樂排行榜為抽樣母體,抽樣時間是從1990年∼1999年、2002年∼2003年,共計有12年,共664首歌曲。測量流行音樂之多樣性主要使用兩種方式,一為HI指標,用以檢視歌曲內容之多樣性,並探究台灣流行音樂中之內容主要為何?;另一種方式則是透過進榜專輯數等指標來檢視音樂產品產製面上的多樣性。 本研究結果發現,台灣流行音樂歌曲之主題以描繪愛情居多,其中以分手階段的敘述所佔比例最大,所持的愛情價值觀是悲觀的,而對於表達愛情的態度是採間接方式,歌曲中以描繪傳統性別角色居多。此外,當1993年因有線電視法之公佈實施所帶來的跨媒體、多頻道的環境下,音樂產製面的多樣性是增加的;但在1996年面臨跨國唱片公司掌握台灣唱片市場之製作、行銷下,音樂產製面之多樣性是減少的。值得注意的是,這兩個關鍵時間點下,音樂產品之內容多樣性均是降低的,有可能是因為唱片公司面臨市場結構改變為了維持既有利益因此仍以消費者最易接收的歌曲主題、內容來吸引消費者。
This study examines the relationship between market competition and music diversity in Taiwan’s popular music industry. A probability sampling using the top-10 hits from 1990-2003 as the population frame was adopted and 664 albums were selected for content analysis by the study. Based on the data available in Taiwan, this study identified two years, 1993 and 1996, as the changing points of market competition in Taiwan’s popular music industry. The data analysis shows that degree of music diversity increased after several music channels began broadcasting in Taiwan in the end of 1993, but music diversity was lowered after five transnational music groups take control of Taiwan’s music market in 1996. Furthermore, this study found that the major theme appearing in Taiwan’s popular music was romantic love, which accounted for more than 80% of the albums analyzed. More detailed findings was discussed in the paper.


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