標題: 一個中國水墨畫色彩化之方法
A Novel method for Chinese Ink Painting Colorization
作者: 王允文
Yun-Wen Wang
Zen-Chung Shih
關鍵字: 色彩化;水墨畫;分割;colorization;Chinese Ink Painting;Segmentation
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 中國水墨畫在中華文化裡,是有很豐富內涵的一種藝術表達,畫家透過毛筆的筆觸和水墨的渲染以及畫面的配置,表達自己的想法,本論文主要的目的是提供一個有效的方法,讓使用者可以對黑白的水墨畫上色,轉變成具有豐富色彩的水墨畫,現有的色彩化技術,對擬真的影像都能有很好的效果,但對於中國水墨畫則不適用,在我們的方法中,使用者只需要提供一張彩色的水墨畫,我們的系統會自動的將顏色的感覺轉換到黑白水墨畫上面,此外,我們也提供了讓使用者能更修正結果的方法。
The Chinese Ink Painting is an art with long history in Chinese culture. Painters can obtain various kinds of scenery by mixing water and ink properly. This thesis provides a colorization technique that can transfer gray scale paintings to color paintings. Various colorization techniques for photorealistic images have good results. But these techniques are uncertainly suitable for Chinese Ink Painting. In our method, user only provides a gray scale Chinese Ink Painting and a similar color Chinese Ink Painting subjectively, system can automatically transfer the color from color painting to gray scale painting. We also provide a method for user to refine the automatically generated result.
Appears in Collections:Thesis