標題: 台灣地區LCD TV自有品牌製造廠商之競爭優勢分析
The Study of Competitive Advantage on Taiwan LCD TV Own-Brand Manufatures
作者: 洪宗澤
Tsung-Tse Hung
Quang-Hua Chen
關鍵字: 競爭力;競爭優勢;液晶電視;Competitiveness;Competitive Advantage;LCD TV
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 自有電子科技以來,影視魅力無遠弗屆,CRT TV曾據此獨領風騷數十年,其間或有如PDP TV等其他媒介之威脅,然受限於技術與價格之原因,皆無法形成氣候。而今隨著液晶顯示技術之進步,量產價格之平民化,其普及滲透之動力,銳不可擋,LCD TV已儼然大量取代CRT TV而成為新時代影視主流與新寵。 環顧台灣在此一波LCD 影視革命中,結合上中下游力量,自成一緊密而完備的供應鏈,並能於世界舞台上執一牛耳,展現無比傲人的競爭力道。是以本研究試圖以台灣地區為一小縮影,透過對產業分析,找出本土LCD TV自有品牌製造商其競爭優勢之所在。 是以本研究藉由產業競爭分折之論點,以生產、行銷、研發、財務、組織與資訊等六大構面為主軸,依據產業特性,透過相關廠商之問卷訪談,加以深入之分析與研判。期能提出些許建議,以對台灣液晶電視產業之未來發展有所助益。
This is a vibrant audio and video (AV) world, since the speeding breakthrough of microelectronics. In the past, CRT TV dominated this AV territory for a couple of decades. But now a day, LCD TV has obviously replaced its position and becomes the most popular display media penetrating into our life. The situation is changing as the price reduction which is raised by the great progress of LCD related technology and increasing huge investment on new generation factories. We can really say it’s a LCD century today. Taking a view over LCD industry, you can find that Taiwan plays a significant role in this worldwide prosperity. He shows the world his outstanding competitiveness, which is set the root on a solid supply chain from top to bottom. Therefore we take a try to analyze the successful key factors for Taiwan local own-brand LCD TV manufactures, being focused on the Taiwan market as a beginning. Based on the competitive analysis point of view, the approach of this research is to cover the six perspectives of manufacturing, marketing, R&D, financial, organization, and information. Through the interview with the senior management of local major own-brand manufactures by questionnaire, the primary data is collected. It is expected to provide a useful result for the future of Taiwan LCD TV industry via such a systemic analysis of the data.
Appears in Collections:Thesis