標題: 台灣遊戲機相關廠商進入中國大陸市場策略因素之研究
Research on the Entry Strategy of Taiwan’s Game Console Industry into Mainland China Market
作者: 陳鈺林
Yu-Lin Chen
Quang-Hwa Chen
關鍵字: 遊戲機;市場進入;game console;market entry
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 遊戲機產業歷經三十幾年的歷史演進,已經成為繼PC產業、網路通訊產業、手機產業之後具相當發展潛力的產業。而全球的遊戲機市場也在經過一番競爭之後,呈現Sony、Nintendo及Microsoft三強鼎立的局面。由於競爭的激烈,為了降低成本,這三大遊戲機廠商不得不將部分零組件、模組或整機組裝委外OEM生產。由於台灣廠商對PC上下游相關零組件的熟悉度及掌握程度高,在產品品質及供應數量上可以充分掌握,加上為國際大廠ODM過程中不斷累積的產品設計經驗,在整個遊戲機產業的發展中,已經成為三大遊戲機廠商的合作夥伴,也逐漸扮演舉足輕重的角色。 雖然全球的遊戲機產業蓬勃發展,但面對中國大陸特殊的文化、政治及經濟環境,三大遊戲機開發商卻未真正攻城略地。本研究以為,台灣和中國大陸同文同種,IT產業又發展得相當成熟,且具備和國際大廠合作的經驗,面對三大遊戲機廠商尚未成功插旗的中國大陸遊戲機市場,應該存在著更大的發展空間。 本文即以此背景出發,經由遊戲機相關廠商的問卷訪談,探討台灣遊戲機相關業者進入中國大陸市場的策略因素,並發現不同業者對進入模式選擇的影響因素,據以提出結論與建議,提供未來策略研擬的參考。
The Game Console Industry has more than thirty years history, and have been becoming a quite potential industry following the PC industry, network communication industry and mobile phone industry. And after intense competition, the current three major game console leaders are SONY, Nintendo and Microsoft. To face the competitors, these three game console developer have to reduce their hardware cost by outsourcing some of their componets, modules and even the whole set of the game console. Taiwan companies are leaders in PC hardware industry and built up a very strong supply chain infrastructure. These advantages facilitate Taiwan companies into game console manufacturing and design busienss. Taiwan suppliers will play a more important role than before, and will act as strategic business partners to the worldwide branded game console players. The game console industry is flourishing, but the three leaders are not successful in mainland China due to the special culture, political and economic environment. We think Taiwan with matural IT industry, many experiences on cooperating with international companies and the same culture background as mainland China should have more chances on mainland China market while these three leaders are not successful in this area. Base on such background, we have explored and analysized the factors on entry of game console industry into mainland China market, and proposed some conclusions and suggestions.