DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorMei-Hui Wengen_US
dc.contributor.author楊 千en_US
dc.contributor.authorChyan Yangen_US
dc.contributor.authorChiun-Sin Linen_US
dc.description.abstract對於科技的快速發展,產業環境變化快速,高科技產業競爭激烈環境中,創造競爭優勢的經營策略是企業的致勝關鍵。Flash記憶卡產業已走到成熟階段,產業一成熟,成長率就會下降,導致競爭轉為劇烈,獲利減少,然後淘汰掉一些公司。同樣是經營小型快閃記憶卡廠商,有些企業能夠持續獲利賺錢,有些卻是在競爭激烈當中淡出市場,因此引發研究各廠商之策略動機,以策略群組與競爭策略理論探討小型快閃記憶卡廠商之經營策略。 本研究以國內目前生產製造銷售小型記憶卡廠商為例,以訪談的方式蒐集、彙整資料,並佐以文獻資料,訪談瞭解個別廠商經營策略。以策略群組分析模式將競爭策略群組分為四種,策略要與高績效廠商類似或是應採與其差異化的策略。 研究中,以垂直整合和配銷通路兩構面進行策略群組分類,並將經營策略以總體策略歸類為穩定、成長、退縮等策略,研究結論為: 1.同一策略群組採用相同策略或相似,競爭策略當中要進行差異化,有創新能力的公司,會成為先進入領導者。 2.何時要跟隨,何時要模仿,是企業的重要決策。 3.面對微利及價格競爭,開發差異化、利基型產品市場。 4.設定目標範圍,找到自己的利基或焦點,專精於較小的範圍,利用有限的資源在產品發展上做最好的調配與支援。 5.與上游供應商保持良好互動或採取策略聯盟,結合上、下游供應商與客戶的產業價值鏈,尤其是上游Flash的供應商,默契和配合度是重要的關鍵。 6.各廠商都在下游階段以配銷通路、產品、服務發展差異化,即使同一群組,也以差異化策略區隔產品或客戶,也唯有如此才能在競爭激烈的市場繼續生存,不被淘汰。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the fast technical development and the industry environmental changes rapidly, the high tech environment compete intensely, the firm devoted the success key factor is creation competitive advantage. The flash memory card industry tend to the mature phase, as an industry matures its growth rate declines, resulting in intensified rivalry, declining profits, and often a shake-out. The Taiwan Flash card manufactures some can continue to make profit make money but some can not and even fade out market. Therefore initiates studies strategy of motive in Taiwan Flash card manufactures and a study of strategic group theory and competition theory of Taiwan flash memory card companies business strategy. This study to use as domestic manufacture and sell as an example of the flash memory card company, according to interview the high level managers worked at flash memory card company to collect the information and assist by the literature material, by interview understanding individual flash memory card company business strategy. There are four types of strategic group by Amoco company’s analysis mode. The strategy must similar to the high performance company or decided differentiation strategy. Strategy group classified according to vertical integration and distribution channel in study and group business strategy into stability, growth, withdrawal strategy. The conclusions of the study were : 1. The identical strategy group uses the same strategy or similar, competitive strategy must carry on difference, the innovation ability company can becomes in the first enter leaders. 2. When has to follow when has to imitate that is the firm important strategic decision. 3. Facing low profit and price competition need to development differentiation and niche product in market. 4. Established the target market and find own niche or focus to expert in small area then use the limited resources to make best the allocate and support in the product. 5. Maintains the good interaction with the upstream supplier or adopt the strategy alliance, integrate upstream and downriver suppliers and customer industrial value chain, special upstream supplier, the key point are tacit understanding and match properly. 6. Various company all match in the downriver stage in distribution channel, the product, the development service difference, even if in the same group also separate the product differentiation or the customer differentiation.en_US
dc.subjectStrategic Groupen_US
dc.subjectMobility Barrieren_US
dc.subjectCompetitive Strategyen_US
dc.subjectBusiness Strategyen_US
dc.subjectFlash Memory Carden_US
dc.titleA Study of Strategic Group Theory and Competition Theory of Taiwan Flash Memory Card Companies Business Strategyen_US