標題: 運用網格運算的分散式資源管理於IC設計環境
Distributed Resource Management for Grid Computing in IC Design Environment
作者: 許滿滿
Man-Man Hsu
Chyan Yang
關鍵字: 網格;IC 設計;Grid Computing;CAD;EDA
公開日期: 2007
摘要: CAD(Computer Aid Design)在IC設計產業中,EDA (Electronic Design Automation)軟體與高速的運算系統組成IC研發環境主要的架構,伴隨著日趨複雜的設計方法與奈米製程精進,一個IC的研發過程需要越來越多的EDA工具,同時也越來越依賴高速的運算系統來加速開發時程,並藉此滿足客戶以搶得市場領先的契機。 從1965年摩爾定律(Moores Law, 1965)發表以來,電腦系統的速度與成本也如摩爾定律所預期呈現反向成長,加上x86平台與Linux作業系統大量獲得EDA大廠的支援,使得IC設計環境漸漸從RISC(Reduced Instruction Set Computing) 平台轉往相對便宜及效能較佳的CISC(Complex Instruction Set Computer) 平台,但是隨著EDA大廠不斷併購相關EDA產業,關鍵設計方法(Design Methodology)與技術專利的掌握等因素,迫使IC設計業者必須以較高的成本取得EDA工具。綜合以上考量,運算系統與EDA軟體在時間與成本上形成一體兩面的互補效應,投資越高速電腦系統可以降低需求軟體的成本,相反地,較慢的運算系統或運算效率低落反而大幅增加軟體成本。 本研究嘗試運用網格運算(Ian Foster, 1998) 為系統平台,針對IC設計業有限的軟硬體資源,在其條件、特性「充分利用」、「有效管理」下,探討軟硬體的使用效率,並藉此幫助IC設計業者在「縮短設計週期」及「降低設計成本」兩項挑戰課題上強化產業競爭力。
In general IC design industry, EDA (Electronic Design Automation) software and high-speed computing system are major components in CAD (Computer Aid Design) environment. It also constructs a primary frame for IC design environment. With complex design methodology and nanometer technology innovation, more and more EDA tools are required by IC design process. In the meantime, the environment also increasingly relies on high-speed computing system to satisfy customer and help to gain its leader position in marketing. Since Moor's Law stated from 1965, the computational speed is getting fast and to be produced with low cost as expectation. After EDA leaders merged its related industry continuously, crucial design methodology and design patent are owned by a few EDA companies. It also caused IC design companies have to pay higher cost to obtain EDA licenses. In overall consideration, it makes a trade-off relationship between computing system and EDA software. It provides another way to reduce EDA cost by increasing investment of high-speed computing system. In opposite direction, computing system with slower performance will increase software cost. In the research, GRID computing will be implemented as system platform and to focus on limited resource of harware and software. Through research in software utilization under a stricted environment with full utilization and valid management, the conclusion will be useful for greater competitive advantage and assist IC design industry to face two challenge topics: “design cycle time reduction” and “development cost decreasing”.