標題: 即時事件管理應用於晶圓廠製造管理
Real-Time Event Management for FAB Manufacture Management
作者: 張信智
Hsin-Chih Chang
Duen-Ren Liu
關鍵字: 晶圓廠;事件管理;規則推論;FAB;Incident Management;Rule-Based Reasoning
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 企業內IT基礎設施能穩定且有效率的運作,關係到企業各項業務的正常,也影響到企業本身競爭上的優勢。在晶圓廠,產品從原料到變成為成品必須經過非常繁雜的作業程序,每一個產品都會經過製造執行系統,由製造執行系統統籌半導體廠生產管理,控制設備運作及生產流程。 本研究探討FAB晶圓廠製造之IT服務管理,建構IT服務之事件管理系統,整合各個不同功能的資訊系統的資料來源,以規則推論的技術,建立一個可擴充、彈性化、標準化且共通性的事件管理平台。所建構之系統能提供事件管理適當的知識支援,幫助系統負責人快速有效掌握事件相關資訊,以協助事件的處理和解決。
IT infrastructures need to be steady and efficient in order to ensure the normal operations of business services and retain the enterprise’s competitive advantages. In the IC FAB, the manufacturing process of products from raw materials to finished products must go through a complicated operating procedure. Each product is controlled by a manufacturing execution system (MES), which makes an overall plan for FAB’s production management and controls equipment operations and production processes This study investigates the Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) for FAB manufacture management and deploys an event management system. The proposed system integrates data sources from various functions of information systems, and uses the rule-based reasoning to establish a scalable, flexible, standardized and common platform for event management. The developed system can help users quickly obtain the event related information and provide effective knowledge support for resolving the incidents.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文