標題: 導入資料倉儲應用於晶圓廠生產管理-以DRAM製造廠為例
A Case Study of Data Warehousing for FAB's Production Management in DRAM Manufacturing
作者: 蔡煜堃
Yun-Ken Tsai
Duen-Ren Liu
關鍵字: 晶圓廠;資料倉儲;製造執行系統;資料模型;生產指標;FAB;Data Warehouse;MES;Data Model;Production Indices
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 對於晶圓廠生產管理來說,現今的競爭優勢取決於如何在製程及產品組合日趨複雜多樣的狀況下,即時掌握正確的生產資訊以做出適當的決策。本研究為建置DRAM晶圓廠之資料倉儲,用來整合不同的製造執行系統且多廠環境下的資料來源,提供一個可擴充,彈性化,標準化且共通性的資料模式,並以此資料模式做為開發整合性的生產管理資訊系統資訊平台,提供半導體廠生產管理指標資訊,協助晶圓廠生產管理者適時地做出生產決策並提昇生產效率。
The key to survival in today's competitive advantage is to obtain the right information at the right time and to make it readily accessible by the right people in more complex process and product mix for FAB’s production management. This paper presents solutions adopted in building a data warehouse for integrating all data sources of different manufacturing execution systems (MES) in many FABs of DRAM manufacture. This work proposes a scalable, flexible, standardized system architecture and common data model to implement integrated production management information system. Moreover, related IC FAB production management indices are presented. The production information provided by the implemented data warehouse can effectively support manufacturing decision making and increase manufacturing efficiency in FAB’s production management.