标题: 重绘移民女性:聂华苓与严歌苓作品中的华裔美国移动论述
Reimagining Immigrant Women: Chinese American Mobility Discourses in Nieh Hualing and Yan Geling's Writings
作者: 林怡君
关键字: 移动;华裔移民;聂华苓;严歌苓;《桑青与桃红》;《无出路咖啡馆》;<少女小渔>;<处女阿曼达>;黄秀玲;mobility;Chinese immigrant;Nieh Hualing;Yan Geling;Mulberry and Peach;No Exit Café;“Siao Yu”;“The Virgin Amanda”;Sau-ling C. Wong
公开日期: 2003
摘要: 本文借用亚美研究学者黄秀玲(Sau-ling C. Wong)的双向移动理论来探讨华裔移民女性之移动、抵拒男性宰制并建立起主体性的过程。此移动理论包含平行的地理式移动与垂直的社经式移动。在聂华苓的《桑青与桃红》中,女主角藉着移动力量产生不同的空间意识,以抵抗宰制并建立新主体性。另一方面,严歌苓故事中的华裔移民女性则较关切异国生存问题。在《无出路咖啡馆》、<少女小渔>、<处女阿曼达>里,她们表现出对垂直式移动的矛盾感受,同时也抗拒着主流文化的再现。此论文盼能藉华裔移民女性的异质经验来丰富、活化华裔美国移动论述。

全文共四章。第一章针对移动女性主体之构成做理论分述。其中,除回顾华裔美国移动论述中女性的边缘化地位之外,亦论述黄秀玲的双向移动概念作为理论基础。此章中并借用郑明河(Trin T. Minh-ha)的女性主义观点来探究华裔移民女性在原生结构与社会关系(filiation/affiliation)之间的主体性构成与抵拒。

第二章借用黄秀玲双向移动论述中将移动视作可消融宰制论述之“竞争的文化论述”(rival cultural discourse)来分析聂华苓《桑青与桃红》中的平行移动。由此,桑青与桃红的平行移动可策略性突破宰制力量的限制。在移动中,桑青与桃红创造了不同于宰制力量的空间论述,也在过程里产生强力的主体性。

第三章分析严歌苓故事中女主角的社经移动、在原生关系与社会关系中的挣扎。她们的经验揭露了模范弱势论述(the model minority thesis)的虚假与种族主义本质,也显示严歌苓本身对依附白人主流者的质疑。同时,本章亦讨论了华裔移民女性的垂直向上移动将会带来华裔美国社群中性别阶级的翻转。

This thesis tries to explore the themes of women’s mobility in dislocation in the context of Chinese American immigrant literature and to discuss the ways in which they set up subjectivities from their mobility experiences. Adapting from Sau-ling C. Wong’s theory of mobility discourse, which considers the issue of mobility both horizontally (geographically) and vertically (socio-economically), I argue that to women mobility is a way of resisting male domination and of constructing subjectivity. On one hand, in Nieh Hualing’s Mulberry and Peach, the female protagonist creates alternative consciousness of space as a means to empower herself to fight against androcentric domination and constructs a new subjectivity in the new world. On the other hand, the heroines in Yan Geling’s No Exit Café, “The Virgin Amanda” and “Siao Yu” are more concerned about the problem of survival. They show ambivalent feelings toward vertical mobility and resist the representations of the mainstream by a strong subjectivity. This thesis may help to revitalize Chinese American mobility discourse by disclosing the specific experiences of Chinese immigrant women.
Chapter 1 firstly discusses women’s marginalized status in Chinese American mobility discourses. I introduce my theorization of the construction of female subject in a mobile condition, which is mainly based on Wong’s two-directional mobility. Also, I borrow Trin T. Minh-ha’s feminist perspective to view Chinese immigrant women’s subjectivity and resistance in a non-filiation/affiliation status.
Chapter 2 demonstrates my appropriation of Sau-ling C. Wong’s viewpoints about mobility as “rival cultural discourse” against dominant values. By this I argue that Mulberry/Peach’s horizontal mobility can be regarded as tactics intending to transgress limitations of domination. The results show that mobility empowers Mulberry/Peach by creating new spatial discourses against Chinese patriarchism or American nationalism and further generates strong subjectivity.
Chapter 3 focuses on the heroines’ socioeconomic mobility and their struggles between the filiative or the affiliative relations. I argue that their experiences unmask the hypocrisy of the white’s model minority thesis and its racism and reveal Yan’s suspicion to those who attach to the white dominant. Lastly, I discuss how Chinese immigrant women’s vertical movement may result in the reversal of gender hierarchy in Chinese American community.
Chapter 4 concludes the thesis with a view of regarding the Chinese American mobility discourses as an open one which may include more and more heterogeneous experiences.


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