標題: 台灣車用照明系統產業組合與政策之研究
Industrial Portfolio and Policy for Taiwan’s Automobile Lighting Industry
作者: 葉佩綺
Pei-Chi Yeh
Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: 車用照明系統產業;LED;ASF;組合分析模式;產業創新需求要素;政策工具;Automobile Lighting;LED;ASF;Industrial portfolio model;Industrial innovation requirement;Policy instrument
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究選定台灣車用照明系統產業進行研究。架構係以產業組合分析模式為基礎,設計出車用照明系統產業組合分析模式,其定位構面之縱軸係為台灣車用照明系統產業市場成熟度,橫軸則為產業供給鏈。研究方法上採取次級資料分析法、專家訪談與專家問卷調查,在統計方法上則採小樣本專家問卷之統計推論。 本研究針對我國車用照明系統產業組合各定位中之創新資源,歸納出台灣車用照明系統目前定位與未來發展所需的產業創新需求要素及對應政策工具,進而得出我國車用照明系統未來應首先建立的創新資源,作為政府規劃扶植此產業時的具體參考。
This research aims at analyzing future development of Taiwan’s Automobile Lighting industry, using an industrial portfolio analytical model. Attempts are made to provide suggestions to the government for innovative strategies of Automobile Lighting industry segments. The analytical framework of this research is based on an industrial portfolio analytical model, which consists of two dimensions, of Taiwan’s industrial supply chain and technology market maturity. Three research methods are used for data collection, including literature review, expert interview and questionnaire. Both parametric and nonparametric techniques of statistical methods are also used to analyze quantitative data generated from questionnaires. While industrial portfolio results reveal the strategic positions and future direction of industrial development, this research also systemizes the industrial innovation requirements and corresponding policy instruments for future strategic developments. Not only does it provide a clear understanding of policy direction, it also suggests the strategic resource allocation of the industry.


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