標題: 多媒體電子式看板廣告系統之改良與新播放平台機制之拓展
The Amelioration of An Existing Digital Signage Appliance System with The New Broadcast Platform Mechanism
作者: 彭成斌
Peng, Cheng-Pin
Chen, Deng-Jyi
關鍵字: 廣告系統;播放平台機制;多媒體數位電子看板;Dynamic Digital Signage;Broadcast Platform
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 數位電子顯示器的技術日益精進,使得越來越多人逐漸以電子式看板來取代以往的廣告看板或是紙張公告,在公眾場合利用數位看板來傳遞公司形象、產品行銷活動、娛樂短片或即時更新的資訊給一般的消費者。畫面精緻、設置便利是電子式看板的特點,因此廣告媒體便會在不同消費點附近設置電子式看板,以達到對不同族群消費者的影響。 本研究將以使用者的觀點去分析已在商業實務上應用的多媒體電子式看板廣告系統,並透過實際營運與市場機制的測試下,查覺尚有那些不足且未能滿足市場需求之處,再依照市場實際的需求去改良多媒體電子式看板廣告系統,以提升其效益。本論文也將思考如何拓展新的廣告播放平台,不再只侷限於多媒體數位電子看板上播放,藉此延伸廣告系統的效益。
The technology of the Dynamic Digital Signage has progressed day by day. More and more people use the Dynamic Digital Signage to substitute for the former advertisement board or paper announcement gradually. In public places, companies can use the Dynamic Digital Signage to spread their corporate image, marketing activities, entertainment short film and the newest information to consumers. Because the Dynamic Digital Signage is established easily and conveniently, the advertising agency and mass media can establish the Dynamic Digital Signage in different locations to affect different group of consumers. This thesis study focus on user's viewpoint to analyze the existing Digital Signage Appliance System which has been developed for the commercial application. First of all, we found out the gap between current system and market demand through the test of market mechanism and actual operating. Secondly, we improve the existing Digital Signage Appliance System, based on the actual market requirement, to increase the system features. Finally, we also propose a new advertisement platform. This new advertising platform will overcome the limitations imposed by the existing Dynamic Digital Signage and extends the new features for the proposed advertisement system. An application example with demonstration will be used to illustrate the applicability and feasibility of the proposed system.


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