標題: 顯示器品牌商發展數位看板策略之探討 : 以M公司為例
A Case Study of the Development Strategy of Digital Signage Industry for Brand Monitor Companies - M Company
作者: 尤福源
Yu, Fu-Yuan
Chu, Po-Young
關鍵字: 數位看板;液晶顯示器;Digital Signage;Monitor
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 隨著液晶顯示器成長趨緩,各顯示器品牌廠商必須尋找新的產業或開拓顯示器的應用市場,以維持公司成長的動力,在顯示器應用市場中具有成長爆發潛力的其中一項即為數位看板,根據資料顯示,2008~2013年LCD 數位看板產業的年複合成長率達到44%。本研究主要探討液晶顯示器品牌商的優勢,可藉由品牌吸引力、製造能力及集團資源的支持,在數位看板產業中,發展其經營策略;故首先探討數位看板產業、發展趨勢、價值鏈與營業模式,經由個案公司分析,從現有顯示器品牌商的發展經營現況,進而建立可行之數位看板營運策略,提供企業參與營運時之參考。
It is necessary for FPD companies to maintain corporate growth by exploring new industries or cultivating new applications as the growth of FPD has shown slowing down. According to statistics, the digital signage market has explosive growth potential among all FPD applications with a projected CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) at 44% from 2008 through 2013. The aim of this study is first to investigate the strength of FPD brand owners, such as brand assets and the network of resourceful manufacturers and group resources, and then to develop their strategies for the digital signage business. The digital signage industry, development trend, value chain and operational models will first be explored. Practicable digital signage are then developed according to the company positioning and core competence of existing FPD brand owners by analyzing M company in depth.