標題: 中國專利侵權訴訟_訴前禁令的法律問題研究
The Study of Provisional Measure in China Patent Litigation
作者: 李世達
Lee, Shyh-Dar
Liu, Shang-Jyh
Wang, Wen-Chieh
關鍵字: 中國專利法;訴前禁令;禁制令;專利法修正;禁令比較;暫時性處分;China patent law;provisional measure;preliminary injunction;comparision of injunction;injunction;TRIPS
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 中國大陸為加強知識產權的保護於 1984年立專利法以來,1992年中美兩國達成的知識產權諒解備忘錄中承諾並隨後進行修法。2000年8月,中國為順應加入世界貿易組織的需要,進行第二次專利法修正。進一步於2008年6月頒佈《國家知識產權戰略綱要》,為實踐該綱要中國知識產權局啟動了專利法第三次修改工作的準備工作,並於 2008年12 月完成修正公布。 所謂「訴前禁令」是指在智慧財產權的範疇內是指商標註冊人、專利權人或者利害關係人有證據證明他人正在實施或者即將實施侵犯其註冊商標專用權、專利權的行為,如不及時制止,將會使其合法權益受到難以彌補的損害的,可以在起訴前向人民法院申請採取責令停止有關行為和財產保全的措施。關於此訴前禁令的修正,更為多次修法中所重視。2000年的修法加入該觀念與 TRIPS 第50 條暫時性措施(Provisional Measures) 同步。2001年中國最高人民法院制訂的「關於對訴前停止侵犯專利權行為適用法律若干問題的規定」以配套實務運作之規範與法源適用相呼應。隨後在 2008年12月將第61條改為第66條,修改為「專利權人或者利害關係人有證據證明他人正在實施或者即將實施侵犯專利權的行為,如不及時制止將會使其合法權益受到難以彌補的損害的,可以在起訴前向人民法院申請採取責令停止有關行為的措施」將訴前禁令的規範明訂於專利法。 本論文透過對美國專利法初步禁制令、臨時限制令及永久禁制令的運作與台灣定暫時性之處分等實務操作來檢視中國針對此一制度修正與實施的討論與建議。同時以台灣企業法務人員的角度來觀察該制度在具體法律環境運作上所留下的討論空間,作為企業專利訴訟策略選擇的參考。
To protection of intellectural property right in China by the First version of Patent Law is since 1984. After that, in 1992, China and United States had a MOU for further modification of the First version of Patent Law following by TRIPS regulation. Furthermore, in 2000, according to receive the international requirement, China had the second modification of Patent Law. In June 2008, China issued 《國家知識產權戰略綱要》 and carried out the preparation of the third modification of the patent law. As to the third modification of the patent law, China followedthe guideline of the《國家知識產權戰略綱要》and fully considered the requirement of TRIPS. Meanwhile, they finished this modification and announced to pratice in December 2008. “Provisional Measure” which is defined by the TRIPS, the definition of Article 50 (a) is to prevent an infringement of any intellectual property right from occurring, and in particular to prevent the entry into the channels of commerce in their jurisdiction of goods, including imported goods immediately after customs clearance. According to the several modification of the Patent Law in China, the offering and supplement of the Provisional Measure in the Patent Law is major and important on in-force of the Patent Law on the ordinary operation. First, in 2000, the “Provisional Measure” adding into the Patent Law is the first time and initial to approach the pricinple of the TRIPS. Latest improvement of the Provisional Measure in the Patent Law in China is in the 2008 modification. In term of the modification of the Provisional Measure in Patent Law extremely effect the patent litigation process in China compared with other foreign countries such as United States and Republic of China, Taiwan. Therefore, what differences between them and how to operate the law accordingly shall be important to in-house IP professional? For example, the case of Actions versed SigmaTel in mp3 industry in US and China on competition of the Provisional Measure acts.
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