Title: 定期貨櫃航商選擇軸心港之研究-以W公司越太平洋航線為例
Analysis of container Liner's Hub Port Choice -A Case Study of Trans-Pacific Service in W Company
Authors: 何欣怡
Keywords: 軸心港;因素分析;多準則決策法;Hub Port;Factor Analysis;Multiple Criteria Decision Making
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 定期貨櫃航商選擇軸心港之研究
研究生:何欣怡 指導教授:黃承傳 教授
摘 要
全球貨量快速成長,定期貨櫃航商不僅船舶朝向大型化、 快速化發展,亦同時減少停泊港以達到最佳運輸效率。航商若能選擇最適軸心港,充分利用主線、 支線分工配合的優勢,構成海運軸輻路網,不僅可以減少大型貨櫃母船多次靠泊所衍生之成本,更可藉由貨櫃集中作業降低單位成本,發揮船舶大型化的優勢,達到規模經濟,增加競爭力。
本研究並以上述評估架構為基礎,運用多準則決策法之層級分析方法來進行軸心港優先順序的評選,其程序包括問題的界定、建立評估層級結構、問卷的設計與調查、建立成偶比對矩陣、一致性的檢定、整體層級權重之計算、替代方案的選擇,以及優先順序之評定等。以研究案例進行分析評選後,可得W航商越太平洋航線東北亞區域(含華中北)之最適軸心港為上海,其次為釜山、廈門、寧波、橫濱;東南亞區域(含華南、台灣) 之最適軸心港為深圳,其次為新加坡、高雄、香港、巴生港;美西區域之最適軸心港為洛杉磯,其次為長堤、奧克蘭、西雅圖、塔克馬。

Analysis of Container Liner’s Hub Port Choice
-A Case Study of Trans-Pacific Service in W Company

Student:Hsin Yi Ho Advisors:Dr.Cherng-Chwan Hwang

Institute of Transportation & Logistics
National Chiao Tung University

There is tendency that cargo volumes are booming around the world and vessels are in increasingly larger-scale and higher-speed. Besides this, carriers are decreasing the number of calling to reach the best transportation efficiency. If carriers pick out the most optimal hub ports, taking advantage of integration of trunk line and feeder to form hub-and-spoke network, they could not only reduce high berthing cost of large vessels ,but also lower unit container operation cost by operation concentration to utilize the merit of larger-scale vessel and economy of scale, and finally enhance their competitiveness.
This thesis is to research the issue of carrier’s hub port selection. It figures out three evaluation objective through literature review and questionnaire: internal factors of port, external factors of port, operational strategy of carriers. And the criteria are: operation conditions and charges, operation procedure and quality, information availability and stuffing/ un-stuffing service, equipment and container station working efficiency, location, delivery speed and inland haulage charge, potential, inland distance, service deployment and agency capability, berthing related cost, operation benefits.
This thesis evaluates hub ports priority via Multiple Criteria Decision Making based on the evaluation structure mentioned above. The steps are: theme identification, setting up the hierarchy structure, questionnaire design and survey, establishing the pair-wise comparison matrix, consistency test, weights calculation, alternatives selection, priority evaluation. After the case study and analysis, the priority of hub ports in each area of the Trans-Pacific service in W company is as listed below: North-East Asia(including North &Central China)-Shanghai, Busan, Xiamen, Ningbo, Yokohama; South-East Asia(including South China & Taiwan): Shenzhen, Singapore, Kaohsiung, Hong Kong, Port Kelang; West Coast: Los Angles, Long Beach, Oakland, Tacoma, Seattle.

Key words: Hub Port,Factor Analysis,Multiple Criteria Decision Making
Appears in Collections:Thesis