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dc.contributor.authorWang, Meng-Yangen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Quang-Hwaen_US
dc.description.abstract由於經濟、商業國際化、全球化的發展,造成國際間往來頻繁,加上網際網路的興起,導致電子商務的盛行。在「時間就是金錢」的因素下,越來越多的廠商、業者使用國際快遞的服務,將其貨物、商品及商用文件快速地運送至交易的另一方,以掌握商機。DHL於1973年開始提供商家國際快遞的服務,開啟了台灣的國際快遞業務。交通部更在民國七十五年修法開放國際快遞的運送業務,多家知名的國際快遞運送業者相繼在台灣提供了國際快遞的服務,導致了市場的競爭。國際快遞運送業者如何提供好的運送服務品質,有效率、快速的將託運者所託運文件、貨物交付於收件的一方,將成為其市場競爭的利基。 本研究採用PZB 缺口模式為架構,針對T國際快遞公司及其新竹科學園區廠商顧客為對象,探討顧客對國際快遞「期望的服務」與「知覺(實際感受)的服務」之服務品質差距(缺口五)及顧客「期望的服務」與T國際快遞公司管理階層對於「顧客期望的服務」的認知差距(缺口一),利用SERVQUAL量表為基礎之問卷進行資料蒐集,並以SPSS 統計套裝軟體對回收之有效問卷,進行統計分析。 研究結果顯示: 1. 對於T國際快遞公司的整體服務品質,顧客「期望的服務」與 「知 覺(實際感受)的服務」,存在顯著的差異;整體而言,顧客「期望的服務」高於「知覺(實際感受)的服務」。 2. 在PZB服務品質五大構面中,顧客對於實際所感受到的國際快遞服 務水準分析,除「產業別」及「服務年資」屬性沒有明顯的差異外;在「成立年代」、「廠商規模(員工人數) 」、「工作部門」、「商業往來年數」、「交易次數」、「交易金額」等屬性存在有程度上的差異。 3. T國際快遞公司管理階層對於顧客「期望的服務」認知與顧客「期望的服務品質」有顯著的差異,而且T公司管理階層的認知高於顧客期望。 4. 就PZB五大服務品質構面對T國際快遞公司員工屬性在顧客所期望的國際快遞服務品質水準之分析,除了「工作職務」呈現顯著差異外,在「性別」、「年齡」、「學歷」、「工作部門」及「工作年資」等屬性,並無顯著差異;故T國際快遞公司「管理階層」與「非管理階層」的員工對顧客期望的服務的認知,呈現不一致的看法。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs a result of economic globalization, e-commerce and the idea of "time is money", the service of international air express delivery is being used more and more by companies and consumers. DHL entered the market for providing the service of international air express delivery in 1973 here in Taiwan. More and more international air express delivery service providers have entered the Taiwanese market, especially since the Ministry of Communications relaxed the laws in 1986 to open the market of international air express delivery. How to provide "good service" in this market has becomes vital for companies seeking a competitive edge. The framework of this study is based on the PZB Gap Model, to explore the difference between the "expected service" and the "perceived service" of customers of T express in the Science Based Industrial Park (Gap 5), and the gaps between customers' expectations and the T express management perceptions of customers’expected service (Gap 1). The questionnaire is designed based on “SERVQUAL” and as a tool for collecting data. The software of SPSS statistics is applied to analyze the effective questionnaires. The outcome of this study shows: 1. There is a gap between the "expected service" and "perceived service" of customers on the service quality of international express delivery. In particular, the customers' "expected service" is higher than their "perceived service". 2. As a result of analysis by PZB, customers feel the difference between their expectations and the reality of the service quality of T express the areas of "year established", "company scale (employees)", "working department", "years of business", "frequency of transactions" and "total value of business" except for the areas of "type of industry" and "seniority". 3. There is a gap between customer service expectations and the T express management perception of customer expectations. The score of management perception of customer expectations is higher than customer expectations actually are. 4. Within the analysis of PZB models on T express, there are no significant differences on the perception of customers' expectation based on the attributes of sex, age, education, job function and years of service except official rank. Therefore, it present the different point of view on the understanding of customers' expected services between management and non-management of T express.en_US
dc.subjectInternational Air Expressen_US
dc.subjectService Qualityen_US
dc.titleAn Empirical Study on Service Quality Gap of International Air Express Serviceen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis