Title: 電腦品牌公司在東南亞區配送中心之區位評估-以B公司為例
The Evaluation of Distribution Center Location for Computer Branding Industry in South East Asia- A Case of B Company
Authors: 黃伶慈
Keywords: 配送中心;區位評估;多準則評估決策;Distribution Center;Location Evaluation;Multiple Criteria Decision Making
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 電腦品牌業者漸漸朝向全球化發展,為拉近生產者與消費者的距離、減低彼此時間上的落差並讓消費者享有便利的消費環境,設立配送中心以提高全球配送效率將成為一個解決方案。本研究之配送中心除具有商品之配送、暫存、揀取、分類、流通加工等多方面的功能,更須以運轉中心之概念將產品配送到全球各地,故居樞紐之配送中心的區位更是關鍵。 本研究目的在探討影響配送中心區位評選的因素,建構配送中心之評估準則與相對重要性程度,進而探討設置區位方案的優先順序,以提供業者日後設立配送中心時之參考。 本文經由文獻蒐集與分析現況的發展,針對區位選擇之議題,進行發放6份專家問卷,回收有效問卷6份,以萃取出運輸物流、經營環境特性、政府效能及人力資源特性4個構面,及17個關鍵指標。再透過多準則評估方法,從客觀面之考量以及配合第二階段專家問卷調查,發放15份專家問卷,回收有效問卷14份,藉由專家們之主觀權重、滿意度評分與區位別的整體優先權重值,進而找出新加坡為最適區位。
As the computer branding industry is drifting towards globalization, in order to shorten the distance and time between manufacturer and consumer, but also to provide a more convenient living environment, a solution is to set up a distribution center to improve the overall efficiency of the freight distribution. The distribution center in this study holds several functions, including distribution, storage, picking, categorizing, and reprocessing of material. Thus, the decision on the location of the distribution center is the key to provide superior conveyance services to worldwide goods distribution. The purpose of this study is to discuss the factors on deciding the location of the distribution center, but building up the requirement criteria also processes a relative degree of importance. Furthermore, by setting the priority of obtaining performance values by comparing different alternatives, which can also be used as empirical study to the rest of computer branding industry for establishing distribution center location. Based on literal and actual data collection, location selection is a main topic for discussion, and two sets of questionnaires were performed. First set of questionnaires was distributed to six executive managers based on the following four objectives: (1) transportation logistics (2) business environment characteristic (3) government efficiency (4) human resources characteristic, and subdivided them into 17 key criterions. The second set of questionnaires was conducted using Multiple Criteria Decision Making theory from an impersonal perspective to another 15 executive managers. Out of the 15 questionnaires, 14 responded, and based on the received results, Singapore is chosen the optimal distribution center location area among the three selected alternatives.
Appears in Collections:Thesis