標題: 機場捷運電聯車維修系統規劃之研究
A Study of Rolling Stock Maintenance System Planning of TaoYuan International Airport MRT
作者: 曹家馨
Tsao, Chia-Hsin
Huang, Tai-Sheng
關鍵字: 維修等級;維修需求;電聯車;維修窗;Maintenance Level;Maintenance Requirement;Rolling Stock;EMU;Maintenance Window
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 軌道運輸系統提供機場聯外運輸服務,係近十幾年來國際發展之趨勢,主要目的係以軌道運輸系統發展之專有路權行駛,不受路上交通影響,提供國際商務旅客可靠之進出機場運輸服務,例如日本Narita Express、香港機場快線等。我國亦在規劃多年後,經政府核定桃園國際機場聯外捷運系統之建設計畫案。 於上述研究背景與動機下,本研究之目的係以桃園國際機場捷運之電聯車維修系統進行規劃設計,藉由電聯車維修需求模式的規劃,推估相關電聯車維修設備設施的需求量,進而瞭解相關維修設施設備之配置。
It’s the interantioal railway transportation trend in decades; the railway transportation system provides the passengers delivery service from airport area access to the main city area. The airport express is mainly provide the international business traveller a reliable transportation service to access from/to the airport area, such as Japan Narita Express, Hongkong airport express, etc. The airport express is basically using the unique railway access right and will not be affected by the roadway traffic. Taiwan government had approved the TTY International Access MRT system development project after many years schedulded and planed. Based on the above study background and motivation, the purpose of this study is considered and planed according to the TTY International Access MRT EMU maintenance system. To realize the planning of the EMU maintenance requirement model so that the EMU maintenance requirement estimated model will be the basis for the relevant EMU maintenance facilities and equipment to be allocated in the depot.


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