標題: 鐵路改建工程風險管理之研究
A study of the Risk Management of Railway Infrastructure
作者: 張洲山
Chou -Shan Chang
Tai-Sheng Huang
關鍵字: 鐵路改建工程;風險管理;風險因子;Railway Infrastructure;Risk Management;risk factor
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 為有效改善各都市更新及發展,台灣鐵路之立體化改建工程已陸續擴及全省各大都會區,同時以改善鐵路路線及站場功能,提升台鐵營運效率為要務。近年來,因工程範圍不斷擴大,工程施工期間對於不確定之風險因素發生,勢必影響整體工程之時程、成本之管控,因此,建立適宜鐵路改建風險管理機制有其必要性。 鐵路改建工程其工程項目涵蓋土建、軌道、機電、號誌、電力等多項工程,施工期間必須維持台鐵正常營運,為確保工程順利進行,排除突發性或不確定性之工程改建風險發生,確有必要加強工作人員風險認知與落實風險管理制度,以達防患於未然之目的。 本研究依據風險管理之理論及法,配合鐵路改建工程特性,利用文獻蒐集、實地觀察、工程人員訪談等方法,辨識執行鐵路改建工程可能面臨之風險因子,衡量各類風險製作問卷,再以專家問卷確認風險因子並針對風險因子對工期、成本之影響,藉由問卷所填寫數據,經統計分析予以量化,求得各因子之風險平均值、標準差、CDI值,並利用風險避免、風險緩和、風險保留及風險轉移等方法,針對風險值較大之因子,擬定建議風險處理對策。並藉由專案工程建立風險管理因應措施,相對能減少工程推動阻力與損失,同時提昇工程績效,期能如期、如質、如度達成任務。 進而冀望在各專案工程全生命週期中的規劃階段、設計階段、招標發包階段、施工階段等各階段建立風險管理機制,作為其他專案工程執行時之參考。 由於鐵路改建工程之風險具有高度的不確定性,時空環境、機具設備、施工技術不斷更新變動,風險處理方式合於當前,在未來不見得適用,因此必須經常注意,隨時調整並不斷檢討修正,以達成動態風險管理,發揮最精確的功效。
In order to effectively improve the urban renewal and development, the Taiwan Railway three-dimensional reconstruction works have been gradually extended to all major metropolitan areas throughout the province, to improve the railway line and station features, the Taiwan Railway Administration upgrade operational efficiency in order to the treasury. In recent years, due to continuously expand the scope of works, the construction period of uncertainty for the risk factors, it is bound to affect the overall project of the time, cost control, therefore, the establishment of appropriate risk management mechanisms into the essential. The conversion of its projects covering civil engineering, the track, mechanical and electrical, signal system, power system and many other projects, the construction must be maintained during the normal operation of the Taiwan Railway Administration, in order to ensure the smooth progress of works, or rule out the possibility of sudden uncertainty of the risk of conversion occurred, It is necessary to strengthen the staff risk perception and implementation of risk management systems to achieve the purposes of prevention. This study is based on risk management theory and method, with the conversion of using literature collection, field observations and interviews with engineers and so on, the implementation of the railway reconstruction project identification may face the risk factor, produced a questionnaire to measure various types of risk, and then to experts Questionnaire to confirm the risk factor and the risk factor for the period, the cost impact, through questionnaires filled out by the data, the statistical analysis to quantify the risk factor obtained the mean, standard deviation, CDI value, and avoid the use of risk, risk Ease, risk retention and risk transfer methods, greater value for the risk factor to develop risk management measures proposed. And works by the ad hoc response to the establishment of risk management measures, relative to minimize losses and to promote resistance, while upgrading project performance, the delivery period, such as quality, such as the task of reaching. Then look at all the ad hoc project life cycle in the planning stages of the design phase, the contract tendering stage, the stage of the construction phase, such as setting up a risk management mechanism, as other ad hoc implementation of reference works. Since the railway reconstruction project with a high degree of the risk of uncertainty, time and space environment, machinery equipment, construction technology changes constantly updated, the risk of the current approach, not necessarily apply in the future, it must always pay attention to, at any time and keep under review the amendment, To reach a dynamic risk management, the effectiveness of the most accurate play.