標題: 軌道運輸系統安全管理檢核評估之研究—以台北捷運公司為例
Developing a Checking and Evaluating System for Railway Safety Management—A Case Study for Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation
作者: 吳晉光
Jinn-Guang Wu
Hsin-Li Chang
關鍵字: 軌道運輸;系統安全;安全管理;捷運;railway;system safety;safety management;mass rapid transit
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 目前各大都會區均以軌道大眾運輸為主要發展方向,且其安全亦漸受重視。然而軌道運輸之規模龐大、條件複雜、作業項目繁多,其安全管理所牽扯之層面極為廣泛,因此,若無系統化之監督與管理,其安全管理恐難完善。有鑑於此,本研究乃藉助系統安全之「事故預防安全管理分析概念」,探討台北捷運系統各層面在事故預防及安全管理上所面臨之課題及所應積極推動之工作。 本研究首先回顧國內外軌道運輸安全及風險評估之相關文獻,並對軌道運輸安全及安全管理進行系統化分析,繼而配合軌道運輸系統之生命週期,從規劃、興建、營運、維修至淘汰,建立軌道運輸系統各階段之安全管理要項,包括系統安全規劃、系統安全設計、系統安全興建、運轉安全管理、工作環境安全管理、員工安全訓練管理、維修安全管理、緊急事故預防處理、監督檢核管理等。其次,透過捷運公司各類員工之團體焦點討論(focus group),發掘捷運安全之盲點及潛在危險因素,並將所提及之概念歸納為乘客、設備材料、外在環境、公司管理方式及政策、經驗及教導方式、維修技術、設備設計、整體系統問題、員工個人特性、備品採購、部門介面溝通、監督、標示、保養檢查、規範/程序/規章、工程技術、興建承包商、興建/營運單位、工作環境等19個因素,及內外在環境構面、設備因素構面、公司管理制度構面及員工特性構面等四大構面。 本研究利用討論所得之概念研擬捷運安全管理檢核題目,並請專家學者評鑑該題目是否適當,進而建立台北捷運安全管理之檢核表。再由捷運公司員工填答該檢核表,以求得各危險因素問項之量化指標。危險因素之風險評估包含檢核表評估及危險性綜合評估,並建立各項危險因素之危害、影響及嚴重度分析表。最後,利用變異數檢定方法,分析不同階層、部門、年資及有無事故處理經驗的員工,評估各種危險因素之發生頻率程度及發生後嚴重程度有無差異。 研究結果顯示「月台上乘客過多,發生人潮推擠情形」之發生頻率為最高;「民眾臥軌自殺事件被媒體報導出來後,造成其他民眾仿效臥軌自殺。」若發生時其嚴重度將最高。透過危險性綜合評估,以「月台上乘客過多,發生人潮推擠情形。」之危險程度為最高。本研究建議實務界應逐步建立軌道運輸安全定期自動查核評估作業,並制訂相關檢查標準與表格;針對軌道安全之危害分析及風險評估相關研究做更深入探討,建立完整之軌道運輸系統安全研究資料。
Checking and evaluating is becoming increasingly important popular as a means of preventing workplace accidents and near accidents for safety management. Safety is the top priority in railway operation and depends on its safety management. This study tries to apply the accident preventing method of system safety for Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation (TRTC). The first task of this study is to determine the contents of safety management for a railway system, which are required to assure the safety for a specified railway system during any phase of its lifecycle. A completed railway system safety management, as a minimum, should include the following activities: system safety planning, system safety designing, system safety constructing, operating safety management, workplace safety management, staff safety training management, maintenance safety management, methods of preventing critical accidents, supervision and checking management. The focus group method is applied to TRTC staffs to identify the salient Railway Problem Factors (RPF) of safety management for the railway system. Compiling TRTC staff’s discussion results, full agreement was reached on 19 RPF’s. These 19 RPF’s enabled the construction of a “Draft TRTC Safety Checklist”. This draft checklist was revised and became the “TRTC Safety Checklist” after the review taken by rail professionals and experts. Risk assessment of railway safety management includes the checklist evaluation and criticality analysis. The empirical study results showed the crowded passengers on the platform is the most dangerous situation for TRTC operation. Furthermore, different staff groups, in terms of departments, working years, and accident experience, were found to evaluate different probabilities and severities for the same RPF.