標題: 捷運車站安全查核作業之研究
A Metro Station Safety Audit System
作者: 曾淑敏
Shu-Min Tseng
Jinn-Tsai Wong
關鍵字: 風險;風險矩陣評估;系統安全;Hazard;System Safety Management;Hazard Matrix
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 運輸系統成功之必要條件為「安全、便捷、舒適、」其中『安全』為首要的,追求安全的運輸環境是運輸系統相關人員與學界長久共同努力的目標。所謂「預防勝於治療」,車站管理人員對於車站安全事故之預防及處理都必須具有一套完整的作業程序,並於日常運作時確實遵守安全作業程序,以確保事故發生時能即時且迅速將事故的損害降到最低,確實做到車站安全之風險管理。 本研究首先找出捷運車站設備日常運作潛在危險因子並定義相關風險程度,再蒐集捷運車站年度事件通報紀錄,進一步整理出二十項捷運車站潛在危險因子,並選用焦點團體法,針對第一線站務人員進行車站危險因子發生原因分析,希望藉由第一線站務人員過去經驗交流,鉅細靡遺找出捷運車站危險因子產生原因與預防處理對策。 本研究將系統管理規劃成適合捷運站務系統管理現況之研究課題,包含:系統防災計劃、車站安全環境、設備保養維修、人員教育訓練、資訊傳達系統、緊急應變措施、管理監督制度。針對上述統整之捷運車站危險因子產生原因與預防處理對策,研擬出八大項查核類別,包含:系統防災計畫與作業程序查核、車站安全設備查核、車站環境查核、站務人員職能查核、保全人員查核、緊急應變措施查核、資訊傳遞作業查核、管理與監督作業查核,並設計各類別初步查核項目表及查核紀錄表。 運用各類別初步查核項目表及查核紀錄表,選定捷運西門站及江子翠站實地進行車站安全查核作業,經由站務人員之建議與確認,證實本研究設計之捷運車站安全查核系統,能有效確保捷運車站營運之安全。
The prerequisite for railway transportation system is safety, convenience and comfortableness. Safety is the most important among them and is the goal for those who care for transportation environment. A saying says “Prevention is better than cure”. The administrative units should have a series of Standard Operation Procedure to prevent accidence of Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation (TRTC) and curable management. The Standard Operation Procedure operates daily in the TRTC is to ensure station safety. Firstly, the potential hazard factors for station equipments and the associated risk levels were defined. Stations accident records were codify into twenty hazard factors. With the twenty hazard factors causes and precautionary measures for hazard factors were analyzed by with the methods of Focus Group selected from forefront employees of TRTC. In this study, we discussed hazard topics for the stations of TRTC referred to System Safety Management conception, including system protection plan, station safety environment, facilities maintenance, staff education and training, information transmission and communication, emergency measurement, management and supervising system. In addition to the twenty hazard factors and the hazard topics, we discussed the eight auditing categories, include system production plan and Standard Operation Procedure, station safety facilities, station environment, passenger agent, security personnel, emergency measurement, information transmission and communication, management and supervising operation. After that, we designed audit items and a record table. In the final, two stations of TRTC-Ximen and Jiangzicui were selected to test the validity of the developed audit items and record tables. The results after discussing with the staff suggested that the developed Metro station audit system can be a useful tool for ensuring safe operation of TRTC.


  1. 151402.pdf

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