Title: 1600cc~1800cc小客車女性消費者購買行為及市場區隔影響分析之研究-以新竹科學園區為例
A Study on the Purchasing Behavior of the Female Consumers and Market Segmentation of 1600cc~1800cc Sedan-Case on Female Consumers in HsinChu Science Park
Authors: 羅玉純
Yu Chun Lo
Quang-Hua Chen
Jun-Xin Lin
Keywords: 女性消費者行為;生活型態;1600cc~1800cc小客車;female consumer behavior;sedan of 1600cc~1800cc;lifestyle variable
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 本研究以Howard-Sheth 模式為研究架構,以AIO生活型態變數作為消費者市場區隔基礎,以1600cc~1800cc小客車之產品屬性、人口統計變數、購買動機、資訊來源及品牌來源國作為投入變數,透過消費者實態變數作為消費行為之描述,探討之間是否有顯著差異。本研究探討的是排氣量1600cc~1800cc之間的小客車購買行為及品牌來源國影響,研究對象為新竹科學園區的女性消費者(女性員工),於民國九十六年十一月至九十六年十二月間進行抽樣調查。 研究結果顯示,1600cc~1800cc小客車產品的女性消費者,可透過生活型變數做有效的市場區隔,分為「品牌崇尚型」、「追求新穎型」、「理性自主型」,各區隔市場除了在消費實態的汽車使用時間上無顯著差異外,其餘在人口統計變數、購買動機、資訊尋求、產品屬性評估準則及消費實態的購買價格及地點上皆有顯著差異。
In this research, the Howard-Sheth model is used as a conceptual framework and the AIO lifestyle variable is used as a basis of consumer’s market segmentation. The attributes of 1600cc to 1800cc sedan, demographic factors, purchasing motives, information sources and origin country are used as independent variables. Consumption reality variables describe the behavior of consumers. This study mainly discusses the purchasing behavior of 1600cc to 1800cc sedan and the influence of origin country. The object of study is the female employee in the HsinChu Science Park. The period of sampling survey is from November 01 to December 31, 2007. The study finding: the female consumers of 1600cc to 1800cc sedan can be successfully categorized through lifestyle variable as three types. Among the three market segments, car usage time variables are not significant predictions. Of much more significance are demographic variables, purchasing motive variables, information search variables, product attributes evaluation criteria, purchasing price and purchasing place variables.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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