Title: | 國小資訊課電腦病毒教材之分析與研究 A study of Teaching Material Analysis on Computer viruses |
Authors: | 葉永森 YUNG-SEN YEH 劉旨峰 Zhi-Feng Liu 理學院科技與數位學習學程 |
Keywords: | 電腦病毒;資訊教師;教材;電腦課程;Computer viruses;Computer teacher;Teaching Material;computer curriculum |
Issue Date: | 2007 |
Abstract: | 近年來由於科技進步,網路發達,電腦病毒的危害性也日漸增大。面對日益嚴重的電腦病毒問題,根據研究指出,防制的最好方法便是從教育著手。故本研究將藉著文獻的探討,整理出研究中所要探討有關電腦病毒的意涵與範圍,同時進行坊間國小資訊課本資料的蒐集與分析,並檢視當前我國資訊教育的現況,指出課程中不足之處。再根據所蒐集的資料與文獻粹取出國小電腦病毒課程設計的基本分類原則,以之設計成國小資訊課電腦病毒教材意見調查問卷,進行電腦病毒課程授課情況、資訊教師對於病毒議題重要性看法、資訊教師對於病毒議題納入國小課程合適性看法之調查。再以問卷調查所得,結合文獻探討資料,進行課程教材指標的挑選,並於評鑑階段檢視整個指標內容,提出十套坊間課本教材,以之檢驗指標內容是否與本研究結果符合。 藉由問卷調查資料分析與課程教材指標的研發,期望對於自編教材的老師,它能給予編訂電腦病毒教材的方向與參考;對於選用課本的老師,它能提供挑選課本的一套標準。而藉由合理的選擇教材內容,進而讓國小學生在學習這些資訊素養課程之時,能給予完善的指導,協助其建構正確之電腦病毒防治概念與正向的防治態度,養成使用電腦的好習慣,確實保護電腦資料以及使用環境,進而減少日後遭受電腦病毒攻擊的機會,避免造成不必要的損失。 本研究的結果為:1.抽樣坊間教科書,病毒教材所佔頁數比例只有1.760﹪,而有84.1﹪受訪資訊教師認為國小電腦教科書中關於電腦病毒觀念介紹內容不足。2.國小資訊教師曾教授電腦病毒課程之比例只有26.68﹪至34﹪。3.資訊教師對於病毒議題重要性之整體看法等級為「重要」。4.資訊教師對於病毒議題編入教材之整體看法等級為「合適」。5.經由重要性與合適性之評估,挑選出十四項電腦病毒教材評選指標。 According to the innovation of technology and popularity of internet in recent years, the damage caused by computer virus is increasing. As mentioned in studies, the best way to prevent the virus problem from becoming worse is to educate the computer users. Therefore this study will discuss the meaning and definition of computer virus, examine the computer education environment in Taiwan, and point out the shortcomings of computer curriculum through collecting and analyzing the elementary computer textbooks. Then stepped on the basic classification principles of computer curriculum design about virus, the researcher will lead a questionnaire about the condition of teaching computer virus in elementary schools, the teachers’ reflection of virus issue, and the appropriateness of involving virus issue into the elementary computer curriculum. With the result of questionnaire and other studies, the researcher will choose curriculum indicators and examine them in the period of evaluation. Then check the content of indicators with ten different textbooks to see if they meet the need of this study. In conclusion, this research will suggest those who want to design their own program a direction and resource about computer virus course. For those who prefer to use textbooks, the research will offer a standard of choosing textbooks as well. Furthermore, choosing appropriate content will give elementary students thoughtful guidance and help them build up correct virus prevention concepts with positive attitude. In other words, to maintain the computer environment safe can both lessen the opportunity of virus attack and avoid unnecessary loss in the future. The result of this research reveals five perspectives. Firstly, among the sampled textbooks, virus lessons are only 1.76% while 84.1% elementary computer teachers consider that it is not enough. Secondly, the percentage of elementary computer teachers who once taught virus lesson in class is from 26.68% to 34%. Thirdly, most computer teachers view virus issue as “important.” Fourthly, computer teachers consider it appropriate to add virus issue to computer curriculum. Finally, according to importance and appropriateness, there are fourteen indicators are chosen to evaluate virus lessons. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/39962 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |