Title: 國小五年級學童對電腦病毒之迷思槪念研究-以新竹縣竹北市地區學校為例
The research of the fifth graders’ misconception of computer viruses in Chupei City, Hsin Chu County
Authors: 郭成隆
Kuo Cheng-Lung
Zhi-Feng Liu
Keywords: 迷思概念;電腦病毒;二階段評量診斷工具;misconception;computer viruses;two-tier diagnostic assessment
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 本研究的主旨為發展對電腦病毒迷思槪念診斷工具,並探討國小五年級學生於使用此診斷工具評量其電腦病毒概念後之結果。本研究以新竹縣竹北市4 所國民小學五年級學生共605 人為樣本進行研究。
The purpose of this study was to make a two-tier diagnostic tool for assessing students’ the concepts of computer viruses and its’ result. The participants in this research are 605 5th graders selected from four elementary schools in
Chupei city, Shinchu County, Taiwan, R. O. C.
In order to develop the diagnostic assessment, the literatures were gathered and analyzed. Then, an open-ended interview was used to investigate students’ concept of computer viruses. Finally, a “Two-Tier Diagnostic assessment for Computer Viruses”
(TTDTCV) was developed after analyzing and categorizing the data from interview.
The item difficulty index and the item discrimination index was 0.55 and 0.38 respectively. According to the result, it shows that the most fifth graders in Chupei City have misconception in the following five dimensions:Attributes of computer viruses, Spread of computer viruses, Damages caused by computer viruses, Prevention against computer viruses and Legal issue related to computer viruses. The results of this study could provide some helpful information to the student to know how to learn the concept of computer viruses and help the teachers who teaching IT courses in the elementary school to enhance their future instruction of computer viruses and IT security.
Appears in Collections:Thesis