Title: 網站網路廣告營收與瀏覽人數、時間、廣告價格及廣告銷售表現之關聯性研究
Research on the Relationship between Revenue of Online Advertising and Browser, Browsing Time of Web-site, Pricing and Selling Performance of Online Ads
Authors: 陳奕蓁
Edwin Tang
Keywords: 網路廣告;點擊率;網路廣告形式;網路廣告效益;on-line advertising;Click thru Rate;on-line ad format;efficiency of on-line ads
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 隨著新興網路媒體的發展,網路媒體成為頗具潛力之行銷溝通管道。網站經營起源於匯集大量同質性網站瀏覽者,不同屬性的網站應該如何穩定經營匯集人氣並將之轉換為獲利工具是所有網站經營業者極欲探究的問題。對廣告主而言,網路媒體如同已進行區隔化的消費者團體,只要選擇合宜的溝通媒體及合適的網路廣告商品,即可影響大量的消費群眾,更能藉由網路互動了解目標消費者族群的喜好而改善行銷商品及策略。本研究價值在於協助網站經營業者了解網站瀏覽者對網路廣告的偏好,進而開發合適的網路廣告形式,在達成廣告主對網路廣告點選率的期望的同時,能夠提升網站經營者的網路廣告營收。而不合適藉由網路廣告快速提升營收的網站類型特質為何,是否有轉變經營模式的建議。

本研究資料來源為Z網站之10個不同屬性的頻道資料,以簡單線性迴歸模式驗證網站瀏覽者確實會隨著網路廣告遞送量的增加而降低網路廣告點擊率,但人際溝通頻道如:頻道三, 頻道八, 頻道十網站則呈現出高單價優質之網路廣告商品能反向吸引更多網路瀏覽者點選網路廣告。而頻道二, 頻道七網站則會因網站瀏覽人數或網站瀏覽者平均瀏覽時間而降低網路廣告點擊率,建議需採用其他獲利模式如:網頁贊助或是點選計費等方式將匯集的網站瀏覽者人氣轉化為網站營收來源。
Along with developing of high technology on Internet medium, it becomes powerful communication channel for marketer. The way web-site gathering end-consumer who with silimar attribute and easy to track or interact with is making more and more Advertisers trying to include Internet medium into marketing plan. On the other hand, on-line adverting via banner ads is most easy way for web-site owner to convert web-site visitors into revenue if marketers are interested on. So managing a good web-site, gathering enough web-site visitors and making more Advertisers willing to buy on-line ads become first option to web-site owner.
Another metrics marketers care about is Click thru Rate of on-line ads. Click thru Rate, a real-time metrics make on-line ads different from all tranditional medium which allow marketers review and fix future plan with end consumer’s input. It became important issue that web-site owner need to maintain while manageing a web-site.

Value of this study is trying to help web-site owner knowing more about web-site visitors’ preference of on-line ads and then able to design a good on-line ad’s format contain with impactful image which able to improve the communication between end-user and marketers. For those web-sites which can not rely on powerful on-line ads, then proper suggestions based on statistic and real-world practice will also be provided for web-site owner’s reference.
Appears in Collections:Thesis