標題: 利用陽極處理法製備氧化鋁奈米管應用於染料敏化太陽能電池
Fabrication of Anodic Aluminum Oxide (AAO) for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC)
作者: 陳進興
Chin-Hsing Chen
Eric Wei-Guang Diau
關鍵字: 染料敏化太陽能電池;陽極氧化鋁;Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell;Anodic Aluminum Oxide
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究利用商用之1070鋁板(99.7% Aluminum),經由陽極處理後,可製得一高品質、孔洞均一、高孔隙率、及規則分佈之陽極氧化鋁(Anodic Aluminum Oxide;AAO) 模板,同時利用化學沉積法,將氟化鈦( TiF4 )水解沉積於模板內,製作染料敏化太陽能電池的電子傳輸層(二氧化鈦, TiO2),並形成一規則氧化鋁及氧化鈦共存之雙奈米管結構;搭配染料敏化劑(N3)之浸泡,即可完成奈米管染料敏化太陽能電池(Nanotube Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell;NT -DSSC)元件之陽極部份。NT-DSSCs的基本架構,是由鍍鉑之透明導電玻璃為陰極、多管式二氧化鈦奈米管為陽極並吸附染料光敏化劑及電解液( I-/I3- ),組成三明治結構NT-DSSCs之元件。其AAO之製作,隨陽極處理所使用電解液:硫酸、草酸、或磷酸之不同,可分別製得18、60及200 nm之規則奈米管,AAO經由擴孔處理,可製作成25~500 nm各種不同尺寸、均一且規則之陽極氧化鋁奈米管。
In this study, we used commercial aluminum 1070 sheet (99.7% Aluminum) as the substrate. After anodization process, a high quality, uniform pore size, and regular anodic aluminum oxide template was produced. Moreover, the chemical deposition method was employed to hydrolyze and deposit titanium fluoride (TiF4) into the AAO template,to make titanium dioxide(TiO2) of dye sensitized solar cells was electron transfer layer,then the coaxial nanotube structure consisting of aluminum oxide and titanium oxide was obtained. On the other hand, immersing the nanotube in dye-sensitizer solution was the first process to obtain the anode of dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC).The fundamental sandwich structure of NT-DSSCs device composes of a cathode with sputter of transparent platinum catalyst, the anode with multiaxial type titanium dioxide/N3 dye and electrolyte (I-/I3-). The fabrication of AAO was formed by anodic oxidation of aluminum in different acid-based electrolytes, such as sulfuric acid, oxalic acid and phosphoric acid, which could synthesize the nanotube diameters of 18nm, 60nm and 200nm, respectively. By widening AAO pores, the template with uniform and regular pores, which were varied from 25nm to 500nm could be produced.


  1. 752001.pdf

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