標題: 清代竹塹內山地區的拓墾:以合興庄為主軸的探討(1820-1895)
The Reclamation of Chu-Chien Ne-San Area in Ching Dynasty: A Case Study of the Ho-Shin Village (1820-1895)
作者: 呂佩如
Lu Pei-Ju
Lien Jui-Chih
關鍵字: 隘防;拓墾;信仰;合興庄;陳長順家族;Guard-line;Reclamation;Religious Belief;Ho-Shin Village;Chen Chang-Shun’s Family
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 摘 要 本文旨在探討清代竹塹內山地區合興庄的土地拓墾歷程。竹塹內山地區自來即為高山原住民的生活領域,墾戶以隘設墾隨的方式,不斷擴展墾區庄範圍,在拓墾之時,墾民們與高山原住民之間衝突不斷,信仰就成為墾民心中最大的寄託。因此,本文即以竹塹內山地區的合興庄為研究的區域範圍,以拓墾為研究主軸並進行拓墾與信仰及族群關係等面向的分析,一方面認識這塊土地上的發展,一方面讓竹塹內山地區的拓墾歷史更趨完整。 合興庄的拓墾為泉州籍墾戶陳長順父子出資設立隘防、僱丁防番,招募粵籍墾佃拓墾,由墾佃繳租支應隘防費用,雙方共同合作開拓而成。由於開墾過程中隨時都會面臨番害威脅,及疾病、災荒、水患所造成生活的不安定,墾戶陳長順於合興庄的中心位置太平地捐地興建廟宇三元宮,希望透過建廟祭拜神祇,庇佑開墾順利,藉由建立廟宇陳長順也取得宗教上領導權,進而鞏固庄內墾戶的地位,又透過廟宇內宗教活動的參與,墾戶與地方上各階層居民產生互動關係,有利於墾區庄內各項事務的推動。合興庄墾區內的居民因開墾、防番的共同特質而結合在一起,成為一個更大的社會群體,此社會群體以三元宮做為信仰中心,藉由共同的祭祀組織與活動將墾區內人群凝聚起來形成一個祭祀圈,墾區庄所及之地就是祭祀圈的範圍,三元宮的建立可以說是陳家墾戶積極運作下的結果。但在劉銘傳實施裁隘政策之後,陳氏家族因隘防被裁撤、隘租收歸公有,家族的經濟利益及地位受到衝擊,也間接影響到三元宮的發展。 從研究中發現,在清代竹塹內山地區的拓墾過程中,國家政策的改變對墾戶勢力消長有著絕對的影響,拓墾與信仰之間存在著相當高度的依存情況,閩、粵族群之間因開墾利益存在著合作互助關係,閩、粵與高山原住民之間因生存競爭長期處於衝突狀態。 關鍵詞:隘防、拓墾、信仰、合興庄、陳長順家族
Abstract My case study is to discuss the reclamation history of Ho-Shin Village in Chu-Chien Ne-San Area during Ching Dynasty. Chu-Chien Ne-San Area, all the time, was Taiwanese Aborigine's living domain before Han peoples came here. However, in Ching Dynasty, Han peoples’ reclamation activities oppressed Taiwanese Aborigine's living domains. So there were many serious conflicts happened between Han peoples and Taiwanese Aborigine during that reclaiming period. In such unstable setter’s society, Han People prayed their life and future for religious belief (to God). Therefore, my study describes the reclamation history and lands of Ho-Shin Village. Besides, it analyzes the correlations between the reclamation activities, religious belief and the relationships (living styles and interactions) of different Peoples. It also will give you a clearer picture about the reclamation history in Chu-Chien Ne-San Area. The reclamation of Ho-Shin Village was established by Chen Chang-Shun and his son. Chen Chang-Shun’s Family (from Quan-Chou in China) cooperated with Hakka (from the Province of Yue in China) to reclaim their lands and homes in Ching Dynasty. The lives of Han setters were threatened by Aborigine's attacks, and there were diseases and floods happened frequently in that period. These misfortunes made the lives of Han People of Ho-Shin Village uncertain, so Chen Chang-Shun built San-Yuan Temple for their religious beliefs. The San-Yuan Temple did make better relationships between Chen Chang-Shun’s Family (reclamation leader) and his tenant-farmers, but it also gave the peoples in Ho-Shin Village a good living community. However, the powers and economical resources of Chen Chang-Shun’s Family got down after his guard-line was terminated by Liu Ming-Chuan. In summary, we could know, the powers of reclamation leader would be impacted in case national policies/rules were changed by government during the reclaiming period. There were pretty high correlations between reclamation activities and religious beliefs. The peoples of Min and Yue in Ho-Shin Village from China cooperated with each others and kept fighting against Taiwanese Aborigine for their lands and benefits all the time in Ching Dynasty. Keywords: Guard-line, Reclamation, Religious Belief, Ho-Shin Village, Chen Chang-Shun’s Family


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