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dc.contributor.authorLai, Hui-Chenen_US
dc.contributor.author段 馨 君en_US
dc.contributor.authorTuan, Hsin-Chunen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣傳統戲劇在面臨全球化的衝擊下,必須改變傳統表演形式,以避免凋萎。苗栗榮興客家採茶劇團結合客家傳統戲曲與加入西方劇場舞台劇的新元素,以便於將客家戲曲革新的大戲《羅芳伯傳奇》於2006年在國家劇院演出。表演劇本發想於李喬,以廣東嘉應州客家人「羅芳伯」開墾東婆羅洲史實改編而成,敘述客家人移民南洋的故事,此表演呈現客家族群的離散,凸顯客家移民的硬頸精神,此外,這表演投射出客家移民在異地提倡中國文化與建構國族認同的想像。本論文探討台灣本土劇種---客家大戲的發展,討論苗栗榮興客家採茶劇團《羅芳伯傳奇》的表演之戲劇表演形式,並檢視移民社會意涵。其中,透過戲劇化劇情文本,劇場再現客家移民婆羅洲的故事,援引西方劇場理論德國劇作家布萊希特(Bertolt Brecht,1898-1956)所提出之「疏離理論」,分析此演出的戲劇形式與結構。藉該劇之再戲劇化(Retheatricalization),筆者亦結合「離散」理論,詮釋婆羅洲邊陲社會中,客家與當地族群的互動過程裡,所呈現的文化交流現象。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractUnder the impact of globalization, the traditional Hakka drama in Taiwan needs to change the traditional performing modes and the management method to avoid the degeneration crisis. Hence, Rong Shin Hakka Opera Troupe tries to combine the traditional Hakka drama with the new elements of the western theatre in order to regenerate Hakka drama. The Legend of Lo Fang-Bo, a renovated Hakka opera, was performed in the National Theatre in Taipei in 2006. The play, originated from Li Chiao’s ideas, is adapted from the history of the story of “Lo Fang-Bo,” one of the Hakka ancestors, who lived in Jia-ying County in Guangdong province in China and immigrated to East Borneo in the Eighteenth Century. It describes the story of Hakka people’s immigration from China to Southeast Asia. The performance presents the Diaspora of Hakka ethnic group and it also manifests the “Persistent Spirit” of Hakka Furthermore, it projects an imagination about how Hakka immigrants tried to promote Chinese culture and build a national identity in a foreign land. This thesis explores the development of Hakka Opera, discusses the theatrical form of the performance, and examines the meanings of the migration of the society. Through the theatricalization of the literary script, this performance represents Hakka’s immigration in Borneo. Applying the western theater theory, such as “The Alienation Effect” by the German playwright Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956), I analyze the theatrical form and structure of this performance. By re-theatricalization of this play, I also apply the theory of Diaspora to interpreting the cultural interaction between Hakka and the local ethnic group in the marginal society in Borneo.en_US
dc.subjectHakka Operaen_US
dc.subjectThe Legend of Lo Fon-Boen_US
dc.subjectThe Alienation Effecten_US
dc.titleThe Legend of Lo Fon-Bo: Identity and Diasporaen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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