標題: 台灣工業電腦產業中廠商的策略聯盟情況研究-以研華公司為例
Research on Strategic Alliance of Industrial PC Corporations in Taiwan -Case Study of Advantech
作者: 游方智
關鍵字: 工業電腦;策略聯盟;Industrial PC;Strategic Alliance
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 研華公司和華碩公司以策略聯盟的方式,於2005年合資成立研碩公司,這個合作的行動代表了兩個產業,工業電腦產業以及PC業發生了結構性的變化。工業電腦業者為求成長的動力,進而尋求PC業者的加入以獲的更大的產能,以應付愈來愈多的應用領域; 而PC業者則是在近年來毛利不斷壓縮的情況下,考慮在工業電腦這個在技術上相差不是太遠的領域中,尋求新的機會。 本研究擬以策略聯盟的角度,探討在這兩個在本質在技術上相近,但在經營模式上卻又大不同的兩個產業,在廠商結盟之後,對產業所造成的影響。並以研華公司做為個案,深入討論在成立研碩公司後的未來效益。 研究結果顯示,結盟PC業者固然會帶來一些較大的訂單,但相對的毛利也會下滑,工業電腦廠商不應一味的只為追求成長,而忽略了專注在鎖定的應用領域中以及對客戶長期服務的承諾。而PC業者也不應對工業電腦的領域抱有太多的期待,認為只要以現有的技術,進入到這個領域,就可以大幅提昇公司整體的毛利。而忽略了工業電腦產業是由許多垂直應用領域組成,且產品是少量多樣化的集合。PC業者們在以往大量製造能力的調配上能否適應,以及在後續對客戶的服務上能否提供等相關問題的探討。因此,廠商首要思考的並非自身的成長,而是要認清楚公司在產業中的定位,以及合作是否能結合公司資源而帶來綜效。
Advantech and ASUSTek established a company called Advansus based on strategic alliance agreement signed in 2005. This action represented a structural change between the industrial PC and PC industry. There are more and more new applications in the industrial PC industry. In order to get more momentum in growth, the industrial PC manufactures are seeking capacities; the PC manufacturers are looking for opportunities in the industrial PC industry to get higher margin. The purpose of this thesis is to study the impact of the strategic alliance of companies in these two industries. Advantech has been chosen as the case study, and the expected benefits will also be discussed. This case study shows that the industrial PC corporations should focus on providing long-term services to customers instead of just pursuing growth through lowing list price. And PC manufacturers should consider whether their mass production capability can accommodate to the industrial PC market composed of many vertical applications. In spite of higher gross margin, they should also think about whether they can commit to deliver the following services to customers. Therefore, what corporations should think is not only on the growth itself, but also their positioning in the industry. And whether corporations can combine recourses to create synergy in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis