標題: 具有優先權特性之移動式感測器派遣方法的設計與建置
Design and Implement Priority-Based Dispatch of Mobile Sensors in Surveillance Applications
作者: 王文杰
Wen-Chieh Wang
Yu-Chee Tseng
關鍵字: 派遣;移動式感測器;監視;旅行業務員問題;dispatch;mobile sensors;surveillance;traveling salesman problem
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 無線感測器網路的使用提供一個方便的方式來監控環境。但其並非一定會在我們關注的區域部署感測器,而在這樣的情形下,如何獲得環境狀態是一個很大的挑戰。在本篇論文中,我們嘗試利用移動式感測器在沒有部署感測器網路的待測環境中快速並詳細的得知事件的發生。在這樣的動作中會要求移動式感測器對環境作全區域的掃描,藉此發現事件在哪裡發生,之後再派遣感測器到事件的發生地作更進一步的資料收集。我們在移動式感測器上使用一個以優先權為基礎的派遣方式,接著我們會根據事件發生的位置與事件本身的優先權定義作為拜訪事件時的判斷條件,若事件的優先權較高且移動距離較短者將優先拜訪。在這樣的定義下,移動式感測器將能快速完成他們的工作並且更重要的事件也能在消失前優先分析。我們建立了一個系統驗證我們的派遣方法。模擬的結果也呈現這個方法的效果。
Wireless sensor networks provide a convenient way to monitor the physical environment. However, it is not always possible to have a deployment of a sensor network in the region of interest. In this case, how to obtain the environmental situations is a big challenge. In this paper, we propose to use mobile sensors to quickly capture and analyze the events occurred in a region without any deployment of sensor networks. The idea is to request mobile sensors to fully scan the environment to find out where events occur and then dispatch mobile sensors to event locations to conduct more advanced data collections. We propose a priority-based dispatch scheme for mobile sensors to visit events according to events' locations and priorities. In particular, events with higher priorities and shorter moving distances will be visited first. In this way, mobile sensors can quickly finish their jobs and the most important events can be analyzed earlier before they disappear. We have implemented a prototyping system to demonstrate our dispatch idea. Simulation results are also presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.


  1. 050501.pdf

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