Title: 65奈米電源管理直流-直流轉換器
DC-DC Converters Fabricated in 65nm CMOS Technology for Power Management IC
Authors: 鄭國林
Kuo - Lin Zheng
Ke - Horng Chen
Keywords: 電源管理積體電路;65奈米;低壓差線性穩壓器;切換式降壓穩壓器;Power Management;65nm;LDO;Buck Converter
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 隨著半導體產業的蓬勃發展以及單晶片系統(System-on-Chip, SoC)的概念被提出後,電子產品增加了許多新穎的功能。這些功能卻令系統電力的消耗大量增加,如何延長電池的使用壽命,就成了所有工程師都頭痛的問題。由於在這些年來,電池能源密度的技術並沒有太大的突破,要延長電池的壽命,就只能從系統及晶片的設計,以及電源管理的技術上來下手。除此之外,許多系統晶片為節省成本並且讓操作速度更快而使用更先進的製程技術,對於電源管理IC更是一大挑戰。 本篇論文提出65奈米電源管理直流-直流轉換器,使得電源管理IC可以與系統晶片整合在一起,達到SOC的理念。並且克服65奈米低操作電壓的問題。並且提出與傳統切換式降壓穩壓器不同的補償方式。本論文使用TSMC 65nm實現,操作電壓為2.5V~3.3V。提供兩組電壓輸出第一組輸出電壓為1.8V,第二組輸出電壓為1.2V。
In recent years, the concept of System-on-chip (Soc) is issued and the industry of the semi-conductor is rising and flourishing. With the development of the techniques, there are many functions added to the electrical products. However, the extra functions may consume much power and shorten the life time of the battery. In other words, the management of the power system has become the critical issue to the circuit designers. Owing to the limit of the physical characteristics of the battery materials, the way to enhance the performance of the battery is the design of the innovated circuit with power management technique. Besides, the utilization of the advanced process, which effectively saves much power, is the chief challenge for the Soc applications. This paper proposed the design of DC-DC converter fabricated in CMOS 65nm technology for the implementation of power management in Soc applications. Due to the operation of internal SC circuit, the low supplying voltage for the controller of the DC-DC converter is only 1.2V. In order not to sacrifice the performance of the DC-DC converter, a new design of error amplifier with on-chip compensation is presented to achieve good line/load regulations under low input supplying voltage. Therefore, the dual outputs of the DC-DC converter are regulated to 1.8V and 1.2V without the demand of high input supplying voltage.
Appears in Collections:Thesis