標題: 可攜式二導程心電訊號 擷取與處理平台設計
Portable Electrocardiogram Lead II Signal Acquisition and Processing Platform Design
作者: 邱崇恩
Chung-En Chiu
Chin-Teng Lin
關鍵字: 可攜式;心電圖;第二導程;生醫訊號處理;心率變異率分析;訊號擷取與處理平台;Portable;ECG;Lead II;Bio-signal processing;HRV;Signal Acquisition and Processing Platform Design
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 近年來居家照護與遠距醫療的議題越來越被重視,然而現今的研究都著將心電訊號傳輸至醫療院所中,提供醫療人員做醫療判斷與處理。如此,將會面臨資訊量的暴增,反而造成現行醫療體制無法負荷。為了解決這個問題,本論文提出一個可攜式心電訊號擷取與處理平台,其特色在於具有:(1)高精準度的心電訊號擷取,(2)具備分析與篩選心電訊號的功能,(3)可攜式與長距離無線傳輸的設計,和(4)可結合儲存元件,將原始訊號及結果儲存,以利醫療人員欲判讀完整信號時使用。 本論文以ADSP-BF533為平台的處理核心,整合Zigbee低功耗無線傳輸模組,並執行心率變異度(Heart Rate Variability)演算法;整體設計的功率消耗約為300 mW,所量測到的心電訊號與標準儀器如NeuroScan量測到的相似度達95.35%。若使用2GB記憶卡,可記錄約一個月的心電訊號資料。輔助醫療人員做臨床心電圖的快速判讀,有效地提高醫療品質。
In recent years, the application of advanced technology in home care and telemedicine have gained wide attention, but current studies mainly focus on the capture and direct transmission of ECG signals to health care facilities for medical personnel to make the diagnoses and management. However, this may result in a surge in the amount of information, and over-burden the current health care system. To overcome the problem, this paper proposes a portable electro-cardiac signal acquisition and processing platform design. Its characteristics and functions include: (1) the capturing of heart signals with high precision, (2) the capability of analyzing and filtering the signals, (3) a portable design with long-distance wireless transmission, and (4) the potential to combine storage components so that the original signals and results may be saved for medical personnel to retrieve when necessary to interpret the information in its entirety. The design utilizes an ADSP-BF533 as the processor core for the platform, a Zigbee low-power wireless module, and heart rate variability algorithms. The overall power consumption of the platform is approximately 300mW. A 95.35% similarity is attained between the electro-cardiac signals measured by this design and those using NeuroScan. With a 2GB memory card, complete records of electro-cardiac signals for an entire month may be stored. the ability to assist health professionals to interpret the electrocardiogram rapidly, and thus effectively raise the quality of health care.