Title: | 犯罪現場蒐證運用行動裝置和雲端科技之研究 CSI Using Mobile Devices and Cloud Computing Technologies |
Authors: | 林琪亞 Lin, Chi-ya 虞孝成 李承龍 Yu, Hsiao-cheng Lee, Cheng-lung 科技管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 鑑識科學;雲端運算;行動裝置;科技辦案;犯罪現場調查;NAS;Modern Technology;Forensic Cloud Computing;Forensic Database;CSI |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 美國國家科學院於2009年,針對美國多年來有關鑑識科學領域的問題,提出了十三點極具建設性的建議與改善方針,其中強調應如何運用科技、協助現場勘察。有鑑於傳統現場勘察人員在蒐證時,採用傳統的錄影、照相、測繪、標誌、採證等蒐證作為,除了耗費較多的人力外,如何保存和呈現現場原始狀態,都是鑑識人員所需克服的難題。因此,如何在第一時間利用行動裝置作有效的勘察及紀錄原始現場,以及如何運用雲端科技作傳輸影像和相關證物資訊的後端處理,讓學者專家在第一時間能從旁指導和整合各項資源,發揮勘察現場的最大效益等,都是當前勘察人員急迫解決的問題。
本研究整合『行動蒐證』和『鑑識雲』的概念,另創『鑑識行動蒐證』,透過攜帶型的行動記錄器(如筆記型電腦、智慧型行動電話、平板電腦等無線上網載具)並善用現有應用軟體,即可現場錄影、錄音、製作勘察報告或筆錄,甚至繪製現場圖,亦可透過無線網路,即時整合、傳輸相關資訊至『鑑識雲端』;另一方面,藉由系統模組的研究,利用行動運算平臺,即時影音通訊概念和與線上鑑識之方法,相信對於犯罪現場調查的現況,必有突破性的變革。本研究引進最新的科技觀念,改善跡證鑑定的技術,希望能增進比對速度及節省成本,發揮真正「科技辦案」的功效。最後,期待藉由本論文的拋磚引玉,能夠吸引更多不同領域的專家加入,共同為強化科學蒐證、推動司法改革,降低冤獄的理想目標盡份心力。 In 2009, The United States National Academy of Sciences (NAS) proposed a list of suggestions to the forensic-related problems, emphasizing that how to use modern technology to improve the on-the-scene investigation has become the key task for now. To fully record everything on-the-scene, before, many people are asked to involve, including photographer, video taker, evidence taker, and those who estimate and scratch the scene; however, traditional way of investigation not only cost too much manpower, but the destruction of crime scene is also an unavoidable problem we faced. Thus, the urgent tasks to be improved now are to protect, record and efficiently investigate the crime scene, to instantly deliver the evidences for data matching, as well to provide video conference for the experts in Forensics fields to assist the one working on spot. The research integrates the concepts of “instant searching” and “Forensic Cloud Computing,” reinforcing the beneficial result of Forensic database. Through the new concept of forensic field using cloud sharing, it is made possible to use portable devices to do all the on-the-scene records, instant video taking, and on-the-spot graphic drawing. Besides, Forensic Cloud is used along with wireless and 3G to deliver evidences and information. Therefore, through the newly systematic design, mobile computing can be integrated together with instant communication and on line forensic database. The research not only appoints the latest technology to protect the crime scene, but will make a breakthrough in Crime Scene Investigation (CSI)—cost down manpower, as well enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of Investigation. Finally, by means of the research, we hope to strengthen scientific searching, to push forward judiciary reformation, and to lower the possibility of erroneous conviction. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/40187 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |