標題: 探究臺灣學生學業自我概念與學習成就的長期關係-以TEPS資料庫為例
Longitudinal Relationship between General Academic Self-Concept and Academic Achievement of Taiwan TEPS Sample
作者: 吳穗晴
Wu, Suei-Ching
Wu, Jiun-Yu
關鍵字: 臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫;長期;交互效果模式;技能發展論;TEPS;Longitudinal;Reciprocal Effects Model;Skill-Development
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 關於學業自我概念與學習成就的長期關係可分為技能發展論、(skill-development)、自我擴張論 (self-enhancement) 以及交互效果論 (reciprocal effects) 三種觀點。然而在臺灣文化脈絡下的關係為何,為本研究所要關注的議題。研究使用交互效果模式 (Reciprocal Effects Model,簡稱 REM) ,並納入家庭收入與性別為背景變項進行統計控制。藉由「臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」 (Taiwan Education Panel Survey,簡稱TEPS) 2011年所釋出之4,221名追蹤學生資料,探討三個議題:首先探討臺灣國中一年級到高中三年級學生學業自我概念與學習成就之長期關係,其次是探討家庭收入對學業自我概念與學習成就的影響,第三則探討學習成就與學業自我概念的性別差異。研究結果如下: 一、學生學業自我概念與學習成就之關係為技能發展論,   且在高三時發現學業自我概念與學習成就開始有正相關。 二、學習成就有性別差異,其中國三女生較男生佳,高三則男生較女生佳。 三、學業自我概念無性別差異。 四、家庭收入對國三學習成就有正向影響。 五、家庭收入對高三學業自我概念有正向影響。
The longitudinal relationship between academic self-concept and academic achievement includes three conjectures: skill-development, self-enhancement, and reciprocal effects. Because the relationship of Taiwan sample has not been examined previously, I aim to validate this relationship. The reciprocal effects model (REM) with the context variables of family income and students' gender was utilized. I used 4,221 Taiwanese students of seventh to twelfth grade recurred in TEPS 2011 dataset to answer the following three questions: 1) exploring the longitudinal relationship between academic self-concept and academic achievement, 2) examining the influence of family income on academic self-concept as well as academic achievement respectively, and 3) investigating the gender differences . The results indicated that 1. Taiwan’s students’ previous academic achievement affects their following academic self-concept positively, but not vice versa. In twelfth grade the two variables have a positive correlation, but before twelfth grade, no significant relationship was found. 2. There are gender differences in students’ academic achievement. Female ninth graders are academically better; male twelfth graders are academically better. 3. However, gender difference is not found in students’ academic self-concept. 4. Family income has positive influence on the academic achievement of ninth- graders. 5. Family income has positive influence on the academic self-concept of twelfth- graders.