標題: 資料探勘於營建安全知識之創新與擴散
Data Mining for Innovations and Diffusion of Safety Knowledge in Construction
作者: 何春玲
Ho, Chun-Ling
Dzeng , Ren-Jye
關鍵字: 營建安全;數位學習;資料探勘;教育訓練;duffusion of innovation;safety knowledge;onstruction operation;e-learning education;data mining
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 「勞工安全」的知識推廣是相當重要的,勞工安全關係到勞工的生命安全及工作權,為了不造成人力資源的損失及維護經濟發展,勞工安全教育訓練與學習成效成為重要性之議題。在數位化學習發展趨勢下,企業教育訓練導入數位學習模式已不是少數,相關領域研究也大量興起,國內許多學術單位與大型企業已開始建置數位學習平台,且逐漸獲取相關經驗。反觀於營建業,在安全教育訓練導入數位學習模式已有部份企業嘗試進行,但鮮少有相關研究探討其學習成效或導入成本之相關性分析。 本研究以創新擴散理論結合數位學習技術,以營建作業安全教育訓練數位化推行為研究對象,探討營建安全教育訓練之傳統模式與數位學習之差異性,及數位學習之學習成效。透過數位學習的現況與調查來探究數位學習過程之滿意度與成效評估。研究過程中將以探勘技術來實證分析數位學習成效,其研究成果包含分析目前營建安全教育訓練之現況,並找出影響其數位學習成效之可能因素;探討「教材設計」與「平台功能」對數位學習成效之影響;透過問卷分析來具體分析與驗證學習成效,以供後續發展營建安全教育數位學習課程之參考。
With the maturity of information technology, the computer and network communication application will become the basis of knowledge economics. To reduce the costs and discovery knowledge, enterprises have also started to aggressively introduce e-learning education training. This research focuses on application of e-Learning for safety education in construction, and tested the effectiveness by different learning modes during the education training period. The purpose of this study is to use Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) to mining the implicit information in the safe behaviors and learning achievements of workers in the e-learning system. Therefore, results in this research shows that the perceived attributes of innovation, such as ease of use, compatibility, self-efficacy, and communication channels etc., all have significant effects on behavior intention. Otherwise, it is known that suitable education training mode and course content can reinforce the safe behavior of labor operation, no matter the age, education degree and information accomplishment of labor, and found that it is feasible to raise safe behavior via the e-learning mode. The result would serve as a reference for construction safety education via e-learning in the future and follow-up studies.