標題: 以電腦模擬為基礎之多重設計專案排程模式
Simulation-based scheduling model for multiple design projects
作者: 劉正章
Liu, Jang-Jeng
Wang, Wei-Chih
關鍵字: 多重設計專案;設計排程;設計循環;不確定性;設計循環啟動器;關係結構矩陣;電腦模擬;Multi-project;design schedule;design iteration;uncertainty;design iteration generator;dependency structure matrix;computer simulation
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 營建工程之設計公司(例如建築師事務所)通常需同時處理多個設計專案,然而多重設計專案的管理在過往研究甚少提及,實務現況也多僅以過往經驗進行工作安排,缺乏管理工具的導入與應用。多專案排程之複雜性高,除須配合各專案的需求調整各專案的工作順序,以及調配設計人員外,尚必須仰賴設設計人員彼此間的不斷溝通、澄清與合作。換言之,設計作業間存在著許多設計循環(design iterations)關係,此與一般施工作業間,僅存在開始-結束(Start to Finish)、開始-開始(Start to Start)、結束-開始(Finish to Start)與結束-結束(Finish to Finish)等關係是截然不同的,因此一般營建工程排程常用的要徑法(Critical Path Method)等管理工具無法直接應用於設計排程管理。此外,設計循環的發生次數與其對作業工期的不確定性影響,增加了在定義設計作業間之關係以及計算設計專案工期之困難度。在各設計作業時間與整體設計專案無法準確估算的情況下,設計過程中所花費的人力資源成本就更難以衡量。本研究發展一套以電腦模擬為基礎之多重專案排程模式,該模式允許分配不同的設計參與者至多重設計專案之各個作業中,並建構一設計循環啟動器(iteration generator)以利各控制設計循環的發生與否及發生次數,並考量各類設計循環對各專案與多重專案工期之影響性。另外,此模式運用關係結構矩陣(Design Structural Matrix)以協助定義設計循環關係。整體上,本模式所建立之多重設計專案排程,考量了設計循環以及作業工期的不確定性。
A design company (e.g. architect firm) of construction projects usually has to deal with many design projects concurrently. However, the past studies seldom mentioned the management of multiple design projects. In terms of the current implementation, the design work is mainly arranged according to the past experiences, and there is a lack of the application of management tools. The design iteration of multiple projects is very complicated. In addition to the adjustment of work order of various projects according to their needs and the deployment of design personnel, the mutual communication, clarification and cooperation among design personnel are still required. In other words, there are many design iteration relationships existing in design work, which is completely different from the Start-to-Start, Finish-to-Start and Finish-to-Finish relationships existing in general construction work. Therefore, the management tools, such as Critical Path Method, which is commonly used in general construction schedule, cannot be directly applied to the management of design schedule. Moreover, the frequency of design iterations and the uncertainty of work duration increase the difficulty in defining the relationship in a design work and calculating the duration of design project. Under the situation where the design time and the overall design project cannot be accurately estimated, it is difficult to assess the cost of human resources to be spent during the design process. This study developed a computer simulation-based model for multi-project schedule, which allows the deployment of different design participants to various operations of multiple design projects. This study also constructed a design iteration generator to facilitate the control of the occurrence of various design iterations and their occurrence frequency, as well as to take into account the influence of various types of design iterations on the working duration of multiple design projects. Furthermore, this model used Design Structural Matrix to help define the relationships of design iterations. As a whole, the multi-project schedule developed in this model takes into account the uncertainty of design iterations and work durations.