標題: 一個對時序工作流程管理系統進行分析的研究
A Study to Analyzing Temporal Workflow Management System
作者: 許懷中
Feng-Jian Wang
關鍵字: 工作流程;工作流程管理系統;結構化時序工作流程;代理;任務與角色為基的存取控制模型;異常文件使用;資源衝突;遞增性分析方法;Workflow;Workflow Management System;Temporal Structured Workflow;Delegation;Task-Role-based Access Control;Artifact Anomaly;Resource Conflict;Incremental Methodology
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 現代化企業利用工作流程管理系統統整文件、資訊系統以及人事組織以遂行其企業目的,而針對工作流程進行分析,有助於尋找企業程序中所隱藏的問題,避免工作流程執行時重複發生的錯誤,進而增進企業整體的效率;由於大部分具有良好行為之工作流程皆可轉換為結構化工作流程,因此結構化工作流程模型是在進行工作流程結構健全性分析時不可或缺的工具,此外,時序為進行工作流程正確性檢查、驗證以及工作流程效率分析上必須考量之因素,在此博士論文中,我們將時序因素與結構化工作流程模型結合統整而成一結構化時序工作流程模型,並且針對三種不同的領域,提出各自的分析方法;在組織分析領域,針對使用任務與角色為基存取控制模型的工作流程管理系統,我們建立了一個可以進行工作代理的執行框架,在此框架下,代理行為受到責任分擔以及企業政策的制約,使用者可以手動進行工作代理授權,而系統也可以自動將緊急的工作授權給適合的代理人;在資料分析領域,我們建立了一個從結構化時序工作流程中偵測異常文件使用的方法,藉由這個方法對工作流程定義進行靜態分析,可以有效避免由於異常資料操作所造成的系統意外行為;最後,針對資源領域,我們提出了一個可以在結構化時序工作流程建構的過程中,進行資源一致性與時序條件分析的遞增性分析方法,藉由我們的方法,工作流程設計者可以瞭解他所做的每一個設計決定對於整體工作流程定義的影響,並且修正由於錯誤的設計邏輯所造成的潛在資源衝突。
In modern enterprises, Workflow Management System (WfMS) coordinates data, resources, and organizations to enact workflows for various business objectives. Analysis of workflows facilitates locating problems in business processes and prevents repeated errors during workflow enactment. Structured workflow model is a useful tool for analysis of structural integrity because most well-behaved workflows can be reduced to structured workflows. Besides, temporal factors are also essential for workflow analysis, especially for validation, verification and performance analysis of workflows. In this dissertation, we integrate temporal factors into structured workflow model as Temporal Structured Workflow (TS workflow) model, and develop three distinct approaches for analysis of TS workflows in various perspectives. For the organization perspective, a framework for delegating works among users in a WfMS coordinated with Task-Role-based Access Control (TRBAC) model is established. With the framework, delegations can be enacted manually or automatically under restrictions like separation of duty (SOD) and management of enterprise policies. For the data perspective, a methodology detecting artifact anomalies in TS workflows is developed. By analyzing workflow schemas with our methodology, the unexpected run-time behavior generated from abnormal data manipulation can be prevented. Finally, for the resource perspective, an incremental approach is constructed to analyze resource consistencies and temporal constraints during construction of a loop-reduced TS workflow (LRTS workflow). With our approach, designers may realize the effect of each edit operation they made on the workflow schema under design, and correct the potential resource conflicts buried in business processes immediately.


  1. 781301.pdf

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