Title: 企業營運持續管理之災後復原成功因素探討
To Confer the Successful Factors of the Business Continuity Management of the Disaster Recovery for High Technology industry
Authors: 邱奕菁
Chiu, Yi-Ching
Chang, Yi
Keywords: 企業營運持續計畫;營運持續管理;災後復原計畫;BCM;BCP;DRP
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 企業的營運持續管理中包含了事故預防、緊急應變、危機管理及災後復原計畫,但一般企業對於營運持續的要求大部分都比較放在事故的預防及災害發生時的緊急應變,反觀對於危機的管理及災後的復原較少有詳細的規劃,且多數企業將「災害復原能力」,歸類為「重要但不急迫的事情」,且誤以為保險就能承擔一切損失,然而,當企業發生重大災害時,是否能立即進行災害復原,迅速恢復到正常營運狀態,一個良好的危機管理及成功的災後復原計畫往往是最大的關鍵。然而目前企業內的災害復原計畫,通常為備而不用的計畫,很少企業曾經真正的去啟動,至於計畫的內容是否能符合實際狀況,能提升復原的時間與速度,也是各家公司建立災後復原計畫時的盲點之一,為此而成為研究發展的動機。
Business Continuity Management includes preventing accident, dealing with a contingency, crisis management, and disaster recovery plan. In general, business focuses on the preventing accident and dealing with a contingency mostly and do not have the detailed scheme for crisis management and disaster recovery plan. Also, most of them classify the “disaster recovery plan” as “important events but not imperative” and misunderstand the insurance could cover everything. However, when the serious disaster happens, a fine crisis management and successful disaster recovery plan are always the key points that if the business can process the disaster recovery and resume immediately. At present, the disaster recovery plan is usually prepared but not to be used and less business ever really starts the plan. As regards the content of the plan, matching the practical conditions and promote the time and speed of the recovery are the blind spots when each company sets up the disaster recovery plan. As the result, those become the motives of the research development.
According to the bibliography collection and the analysis of the case experiences, this research is to generalize the factors of the successful recovery which aims at the disaster recovery conditions of the high technology factories in the past and discuss with disaster recovery experts to gather high technology experts’ analysis together for a survey and assure the factors of successful disaster recovery. After getting the result of the survey analysis, we classify the disaster recovery plan into 8 aspects and 37 successful key points. Also, when proceed the discussion of the disaster recovery experience case for one of the assembly factories, we found out this factory still has a huge room for the progress and we promoted some improvement suggestions. Through the result of the research, this could be a reference and suggestion of setting up the internal business disaster recovery plan for other high technologies and emphasize its efficiency and completion to ensure business continued.
Appears in Collections:Thesis