標題: 以徵引學術網路來建構學術論文評估指標
How Construction of the Evaluation Indicators on Scholarly Literatures Under Citation Network
作者: 周永佳
關鍵字: 學術評鑑;大學評鑑;論文徵引;Google Scholar;Academic evaluation;University ranking;Paper citations;Google Scholar
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 大學主要功能為研究與教學,大學排名有的是注重人為評分方式;有的則是注重科學評比方式。大學排名對形象及知名度有深遠影響。而學術論文的評鑑,不僅可以瞭解學術研究結果的差異,也可當作選擇就讀學校的參考。 大學排名評比方式各有不同,數據取得來源也不盡相同。本研究是以大家隨手可得的免付費學術搜尋引擎Google Scholar為資料來源。 取樣自國內國立大學之資訊學院學者,從學者的學術論文被引用之角度,參考上海交通大學與台灣高等評鑑中心評估指標,去建構符合臺灣區域性質、學科背景的學術論文評估指標。 以學者個人論文被引用情形,得出該學院之學術研究能力;以不同角度去建構學術論文評估指標,再去作排名,以見樹也見林方式,來探討它的意義。
The main function of the university is research and teaching. In university ranking, someone pay attention rating in the way artificially, but someone pay attention in scientific.University ranks have far-reaching about image and popularity. It not only merely understands the difference of academic results of research, but also regard as choose the reference that study in the school. There are many different ways in ranking university, and data source is also different too. The search engine of this research is Google Scholar. It is easily to get and free to everyone. We use the scholars of computer science of domestic national university as sample. Cited papers of scholars in the angle and consult indicator from Shanghai Chiao Tung University and Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan.We construct evaluation indicators on scholarly literature which meet the nature of Taiwan region and academic background. It quoted the situation for scholar's personal thesis, and then obtains the academic research ability of this institute. We construct the evaluation indicators on scholarly literatures under citation network with different angles and go to rank. By the way of seeing trees and see the forest too, and probe into its meaning.


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